Collage by Us_Waste_Of_Space


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Hey I can't remix I can only comment is that ok Luke
yeah it okay baby
*blushes and covers my face*
your so beautiful don't hide
*smiles and looks at you*
want to get dirty mama
Sure and can I tell you something
yes you can tell me anything
Ok I have two kids a girl and a boy are you ok with that *plays with my fingers*
of course I am but can we make one thing clear
can you be my girlfriend
Of course ☺️ And my name is Chloe not Maddie this picture is an ex friend of mine
okay thanks
Ok *looks at you* what are we gonna do now
i don't know * tugs at your shirt*
*takes off my shirt* is that better babe
much better baby *unclips your bra*
( can I have a pic of you)
*smirks and bites my lip*
*sucks your bxxbs
*softly moans*
like that princess( can I have a pic of you)
Yes I like that and I can't remix anything babe πŸ˜”
can you post it so I can see and the delete it
I can try baby
thanks princess
Np prince
I posted it you like ?
yeah sorry I wasn't on I was volunteering at the animal shelter
It's ok do you want to meet my kids baby
love too and they are r kids now princess
*smiles* ok baby
*grabs your hand*
* squeezes your hand*
*smiles and walks upstairs with your arms around me*
*kisses your neck*
*smiles and softly moans and walks to lexis room*
*pulls on your shirt a little*
*looks at you and then walks the other way to our room*
* pulls shirt down more*
*closes the door and takes off my shirt*
wow thanks that's a lot better* pulls down pants and boxers*
*takes off my shorts*
* helps take panties off*
*smirks and notices your bΓ²ner*
want to help wig that
*starts sucking your d*
moans and rubs your p*
*deep throats you and softly moans*
*moans and licks you p* as we hit the floor*
*squeals and then keeps sucking*
*kisses you and licks you p*
*kisses you back and softly moans and lightly pulls your hair*
*kisses you neck and leaves a hickey* hey want to have another kid mama
*softly moans and looks at you* only if you want another one baby
totally with you of course
*bites my lip* then let's do it baby
okay * takes my d* and shoves it in you*
*softly moans and kisses you*
*kisses you back and shoves harder*
*kisses your neck and leaves a hickey and moans*
* takes your bra off and sucks you b*s*
* pushes d* farther in*
*moans loudly* that feels good baby
looks like we might get that baby mama
*bites my lip* I hope so babe
*pushes harder*
*moans loudly*
*kisses you*
*kisses you and feels you cΓΌm in me*
like that
*kisses you* yes baby
*hears Bryce crying*
oh we better get him* gets up and puts pants on*
*gets up and puts on my spandex shorts and and shirt*
I get him baby* picks him up and brings him to you
*smiles and lifts up my shirt and feeds him*
can I have some mama
*looks at you* I don't care baby
cool * lifts up your shirt and sucks on your b*
*looks at you and then at Bryce*
we're your babies
Yes you guys are *burps Bryce*
You Bryce and Lexi are my babies
*smiles* i love you and are children
*smiles and puts Bryce in his bassinet and looks at you* I love you and our children too baby
I love you more soooo
*looks at you* ok baby and do you want me to go take a pregnancy test
*gets up and pulls my shirt down and walks to the bathroom and takes a test*
*comes and sits on the bed and waits*
taps my knee
*smiles and looks at the test*
So do we princess?
*shows you the test and it has two pink lines* what do you think baby
yes yes yes we do oh I am so happy
*smiles and sits in your lap facing you with my legs around your waist*
so it's a girl right
*looks at you* I don't know yet the pink lines show up on all of the test if it's positive or negative
*gets up and checks on Lexi*
Baby where are you I seriously need you right now
yeah I am here. sorry I just woke up
*looks at you* can we cuddle baby
*grabs your hand and puts it on my belly* do you feel that
mmmmm what's that
That's the baby kicking
yes I knew it
*smiles and hears Bryce getting fussy and hears Lexi crying I her room*
I will get Lexi
Ok *picks up Bryce and gives him his pacifier and walks downstairs to the kitchen*
*gets Lexi and rocks her to silence*
*makes Lexi and Bryce both a bottle*
well I gtg for a hour be back soon
Ok I love you
I love you too princess byeβ€οΈπŸ’‹πŸ’™
Hey baby β€οΈπŸ’‹πŸ˜
*lays on the couch and lifts my shirt up and rubs my baby bump and tears up hoping you don't see me*
why are you crying baby
Cuz I'm happy baby and I just want you to hug me from behind when I'm not paying attention
okay baby πŸ’‹
I love you baby πŸ’‹ And do you want to go find out the gender of our baby
What do you think it is baby
Same if it's a girl what should we name her
well I always liked my sisters name but I would have to ask I could name her that
she said I could
Awe what's your sisters name baby
Naomi Faith Jackson
Awe I really like that name baby
she does not like her name but everyone else does
Yeah it's a really pretty name
I like it
Me too lets go get ready baby
okay* puts clothes on and gets baby's in the car*
*changes into jean shorts and a cute tank top and gets in the car*
Yup *looks over at Lexi asleep in her car seat* someone's tired
yeah she drank 2 bottles
*smiles* what about Bryce is he asleep too baby
yeah drank one and was practically drunk
*looks at you and shakes my head*
You said that Bryce drank one bottle and was practically drunk he's just a baby
so he could be
He's only drunk on his mommys milk
yeah I only get drunk on your milk too
I don't get how you like it but him and the new baby are gonna need it baby
can I still have some
Yeah but the babies are first
I'm thinking about putting Bryce on formula like Lexi and when the baby comes it can be you and the baby does that sound good baby
yea it does
*makes a kissy face at you*
* holds your hand and pulls out of the drive way*
*holds your hand* I don't get a kiss
*kisses you* sorry baby I forgot πŸ’‹
*kisses back and sees Lexi awake* it's ok babyπŸ’‹
*pulls into doctors office * were here
*smiles and gets out* I got Bryce baby can you get Lexi
sure *picks up my baby girl and kisses her forehead *
*smiles and Lexi rest her head on you and falls back asleep* Bryce is still passed out
see he's drunk and I am drunk in love with you
*smiles* I can say the same about you baby I don't want anyone else
same can you post a pic of the babies
I have a post of Bryce but when I had Lexi I had to delete it cuz I kept getting hate for it
oh okay
Yeah but if I don't post one today I'll post one tomorrow ok baby I promise *carries Bryce inside*
*signs in and sits down next you* she's so sleepy
yeah me too
Same but I'm to excited to find out if we're having a boy or girl
what would we name it if it was a boy
I like the name Aden
Adian Conner
Yeah I like that name and then your last name
So for a girl Naomi Faith Jackson and for a boy Adian Conner Jackson
sure why not
Do you not like the name for the boy or no I'm so confused
I picked the girl you pick the boy
whatever makes you happy
I want you happy too baby *the nurse calls us back*
okay well we have to decide
*lays on the bed in the room and holds my hand out for you* I have a strong feeling it's a girl
*holds your hand and kisses it*
*smiles and looks at the monitor and sees the baby*
O so cute
Doctor~it's a girl *looks at you*
*squeezes your hand and keeps excitement in *
*looks at you and smiles and the doctor gives us ultrasound pictures of her*
*leaves the room and screams with excitement*
*gets up and grabs Bryce and hears Lexi crying*
*i rock Lexi and she still cries*
*sees you* baby want me to to take her or no
*hands you Bryces car seat and calms Lexi down* it's ok baby girl daddy didn't mean to scare you *she reaches for you again*
*lexi reaches for you* baby she wants you to hold her again and it's ok baby *kisses you*
*holds her*
*puts Bryce in the car and gives him back his pacifier since he spit it out*
*puts Lexi in and kisses her rubs her belly*
*smiles and Bryce sleeps and I get in the car* I'm so happy baby
me too πŸ‘‘princess
*leans over and kisses your cheek*
*kisses your nose*
*smiles and holds your hand*
*drives home*
*smiles and looks out the window*
gtg be back in 20
Ok I love you Baby
Baby you back
hey I am back
Yay and how are we going to do the baby's nursery
idk I want it like pink with a unicorn in it
Ok I'm fine with that baby
thanks a love πŸ¦„πŸ¦„
Yeah *plays with my fingers and thinks*
what you thinking about
I'm thinking about how our life is gonna be after Naomi gets here like if we're gonna be happy together and possibly get married in the future
I really like you and now that we are going to have a family there are somethings that might happen but they have to happen at the right time and place
I know baby I'm not rushing things I promise it was just a thought and I really really love you
*feels Naomi kick*
does it hurt baby
No she's not kicking hard baby
okay well that's good *go home and I make Mac and cheese
*stands behind you and wraps my arms around your waist and kisses your back*
*leans my head back on you shoulder*
*smiles and my baby bump is up against your back*
want to help make dinner
*looks at you* yeah what are we gonna make baby
what do you want princess
Chicken nuggets with Mac and cheese
sure *put the things on for dinner*
*stirs the macaroni and hears Lexi crying*
I will get her * gets Lexi and brings her to you*
*holds her on my hip and she looks at you*
*takes nuggets out of the oven*
*she watches you and says dada*
*smiles and she reaches for you* she just said her first word
oh my gosh that's so good baby girl
*smiles* she said dada and kept looking at you and she wants you
*grabs her and looks at her*
*smiles and kisses her head and looks for her baby food*
here *hands you a bottle*
*takes her bottle and makes her a bottle with her formula and finds her favorite baby food*
*gets Bryce and holds him*
*lexi chews on her fingers and looks at Bryce asleep* he's still asleep
I know I just want to hold him
*takes Lexi and puts her in her highchair and feeds her bananas* Ik baby he maybe asleep for the rest of the night
I told you he was drunk
*lexi finishes her bananas* or he's probably tired he kept me up all night last night
oh I am sorry baby
It's ok baby as long as I get sleep tonight I'll be ok
Ok *grabs a plate for me and you and feels Naomi kick again*
he baby you want to have fun tonight or not
Yeah after Lexi goes to bed baby cuz I was thinking about putting Bryce in his room tonight
*sees Lexi yawn* baby girl is tired
I can put her to bed
*picks her up and hands her to you* ok baby
*puts her to bed and goes to our room
*walks upstairs to our room and takes off my shirt*
*smiles and takes everything off*
*bites my lip and takes off my bra shorts and panties*
*lays on the bed and pulls you on top of me*
puts my d in your p
*softly moans and kisses your neck leaving hickeys all over*
sucks your b
I am drunk on your milk
*kisses you* of course you are baby
Good morning baby
*kisses you and gets up to put clothes on*
*gets up and gets babies*
*looks in the mirror at my belly after putting my shorts and bra on*
don't worry your still hot and sexy baby
Thank you baby *puts on your hoodie*
np* puts clothes on*
*holds my back*
*eats a pudding cup*
*picks up Lexi and she points at you and opens her mouth*
come her baby girl
*sets her in your lap and gets something to eat*
*trys to give her pudding and she eats it*
I don't feel good
*gets some fruit and sits down* my back hurts so bad
oh why
I don't know Naomi is killing my back
I am sorry
It's ok *eats my fruit*
eats pudding and puts some on Lexis nose*
*smiles and Naomi kicks*
*hears Bryce crying*
*goes to get him picks him up and blows on his belly to make him laugh*
*smiles and puts Lexi in my lap and she puts her hands on my belly*
*hugs you from behind*
*smiles and Naomi kicks* she's trying to tell you she's awake and wants attention
*puts Lexis play mat on the floor and her toys and let's her crawl around*
* sits down by Lexi an watches her play*
*goes to the kitchen and makes Bryce a bottle*
plays with Lexi
*sits on the couch and feeds Bryce and watches you and Lexi*
*picks her up and puts her on my shoulders and jumps away*
*feeds Bryce and he starts falling asleep*
*runs out the door*
*burps Bryce and walks upstairs to our room and lays him next to me and falls asleep*
*gets in side and rocks Lexi*
*keeps Bryce close to me*
*goes up stairs with Lexi and sits next to you on the bed*
*sleeps and feels Bryce move*
*picks up Bryce and lays him by me so you can sleep peacefully*
*rolls over to my left side*
*runs fingers through your hair*
*smiles in my sleep*
*rolls over and lays my head on you and sleeps*
* looks at all of you and smiles*
*slowly wakes up and looks at you*
*smiles and yawns*
kisses you and goes down stairs with the babies*
*kisses back and sighs*
*yells for you to come down stairs
*comes downstairs*
*lots of candles and I am in a suit* baby I have thought a lot about what you said and I love you and our little bundles of joy and I don't know what the future will hold but I do know that I don't want to live within out you so I ask you Chloe will you marry me?πŸ’
*tears up and nods* yes baby πŸ’‹
* gets up and picks you up and spins you around*
*kisses you* I love you so much baby
I love you moreπŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ‘‘
*kisses you over and over again*
gets they babies and hugs them
*smiles and rubs my belly and looks at my ring*
everything is falling into place
Yup I have you and the kids and that's all that matters to me
same baby
*smiles* never leave me baby
not for the world princess
*sees Lexi stand up on her own* baby watch her just in case she falls
I will
*looks outside and it starts thundering and lightning*
covers the babies heads and holds them so they don't get scared
*looks at you*
Nothin *goes upstairs to our room cuz I'm cold*
okay *eats pudding*
*shivers and lays under the covers*
makes more pudding
*sighs and feels Naomi kick a lot*
it's okay I am here
*feels my belly* she's kicking like crazy
I don't know what to do I am new at this
There's really nothing to do besides sit here and feel her kick and move baby
oh sorry😳
It's fine baby and let me see your hand
*gives you my hand*
*puts your hand on my belly where shes kicking*
oh my gosh you ca. feel it
*smiles* yeah she's a strong kicker
yeah like my sister
Lol *hears Lexi crying for you*
*I'll get her*
*gets up and hold Bryce and kisses his cheek and he smiles at me*
*gets Lexi and she stops crying*
*sits on the bed with Bryce and turns on cartoons and sits him in my lap*
*starts to feed Lexi pudding*
*bryce gets fussy and I walk downstairs with him*
Lexi eats the pudding
*makes Bryce a bottle and he gets fussier*
* Lexi giggles as she spits pudding out*
*sits at the table and feeds Bryce his bottle*
* Lexi chucks pudding at you and me and her laugh* I am sorry baby
*gets up and goes upstairs to clean myself off* it's fine baby
*chuckles as I watch your aΕ‘Ε‘ sway as you walk up the stairs*
WOOOHOOOO you work that Γ€Ε‘Ε‘ mamma
*looks at you and walks to our room* it's all yours baby
*smiles and cleans myself off and the baby and he gets mad at me* I know buddy but mommy needs to clean you up
I will wash him* picks up Bryce and brings him up stairs to take a bubble bath
Baby you don't have to
no I will *puts bubbles on his head and makes a Mohawk*
*stands in the doorway and watches you with him*
*rinses him off and drys him with towel
*smiles and thinks* he's a really great dad
*blows in his belly to make him laugh and puts him on my shoulders and gallops to his room*
*smiles and goes to our room and lays down*
puts Bruce in a bear outfit
*puts my hand on my belly and rubs it*
grabs Lexi and Bryce and brings them outside int the yard
*gets a sharp pain*
walks into the room with both babies
*a tear rolls down my cheek*
you okay
*shakes my head* i dont know
oh I am sorry
*sighs and the pain gets worse*
baby i think shes coming..*cries in pain*
omg idk what to do
i need to go to the hospital but i dont want lexi and bryce there yet cuz it will be a lot and i want you in the room with me when i have naomi
okay gets in the car and drives to the hospital
*reaches for your hand*
grabs it and they rush you in
*squeezes your hand* i dont want you to leave my side baby
never baby
*they tell me to start pushing*
Baby where are you I don't want to have this baby without you here *cries*
I am here *holds your hand*
holds your hand and watches you push
*pushes and Naomi starts crying*
*holds hand and looks away*
*the doctor asks if you want to cut the cord*
uhh idk
*the doctor just cuts the cord and they clean her up and me up and I let go of your hand* babe what's wrong
nothing I hurl easily
*the nurses clean Naomi all up and hand her to you*
oh wow my fist child
*everyone leaves us alone* are you happy she's here
of course I am
*smiles and sits up* I should change into something comfortable besides what I'm wearing
*gets up and goes and changes*
walks behind you and watches you change
*turns around and looks at you* you like what you see babe
yes baby
*smirks* well i hope you can wait a couple of days before we get into it again baby
*lays down* come lay with me i dont want to be lonely cuz they're gonna take naomi so we can get sleep
okay *lays by you*
*lays my head on you and closes my eyes*
kisses you
*kisses back and falls asleep* goodnight baby
good night honey
Are you still on this account or no?????