And this my friends was the wife of Jeffery. Nicole.


And this my friends was the wife of Jeffery. Nicole.

36 1
you didn't read Jeffery's backstory I'm assuming. Pay closer attention as you read Jeffery's back story. In case you didn't see, his backstory is in the responses under the collage
beautiful!! she looks like Mother Nature but I'm guessing that was the point hue hue
Thank yooou!! wweelll that wasn't exactly the point butt whatever floats your boat I suppose :3
I read the backstory. T_T
Tragic, right?
I'm so sorry for not responding sooner but yes, that was very tragic... I had the feels for a while there. Everything was just... sad. Nicole and Jeffery do make a wonderful couple though. I like that part, but... the feels 😢