I’m sorry I took so long but I had play practice


I’m sorry I took so long but I had play practice

12 0
I wish that you would hurt me harder than I hurt you
I wish that u wouldn't wait for me but you always do
if it's meant to be it'll be
this shį t is bananas
If you only knew...
alphabet boy......
friends don't last forever but our friendship never ends
you seriously don't get it? łmáo
let me go, meant to be, hollaback girl, I'm just like you, alphabet boy, I'll tell u what I want
What's uppppp? and don't say the sky
how was your day?!
it was better than the rest, your names Emily?
I hate my real name, u call make one up for me
and that's littly lit lit bro
Nope I'm not doing that
I'm done with the song stuff
you obviously didn't read my bio, I'm a mini man
you can't see the post you're commenting on?
Okie dokie
you're 15?! AM I RIGHT????
who's your best friend
what's ur favorite colors
what did u eat for breakfast
have u ever gone outside of you're state
what's it like being outside?
r u one of those reckless teens who hang out on the roof?
I wanna go outside....
but then again I'd just get beat
I cut.