Howdy!! I just got back from camping, and will probably be posting more. 🍁Check remixes for photos.📷 On a completely unrelated note, has anyone read The Crown's Game/The Crown's Fate?


Howdy!! I just got back from camping, and will probably be posting more. 🍁Check remixes for photos.📷 On a completely unrelated note, has anyone read The Crown's Game/The Crown's Fate?

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hello! I am back for a short amount of time! it's not letting me post anything,the app is glitching,but I wanted to come and say hello!
Welcome back! Hope you had fun camping🏕🛶
can I do the text? I have a lot of good texts on phonto and I'm not great at backgrounds.
could you do a hufflepuff collage for the requested collage? also, thanks again for this!
I don't think we decided on a theme! Harry Potter? Hamilton? Something else? I really don't mind as long as I'm in the fandom.
thank you!
I'm great! if you would still like me to finish the collab,I can it might not let me post it but you could still post it
Hi! I am hosting a Selection games over on my account. if you have read the selection, I would LOVE if you would enter! You are so creative and I think you could make some really beautiful collages! No worries if you don't want to or haven't read the Selection, you don't have to enter. hope you do though!-accio_firebolt💗💕