Reposting it cas I had some mistakes and I needed to add some more stuff to this


Reposting it cas I had some mistakes and I needed to add some more stuff to this

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I agree , I don’t think people should be asking for likes
I 10000000% agree!
10000000000000000000000% agree this one girl keeps asking me for likes and follows
you are so right
ikr it’s so annoying
I agree it is so annoying when people ask if you can follow them like their collages or enter their contest or games. in fine with it when they do it once, and I know users who I have entered their contest or games but they never asked again and also they are mine friends. you are so brave to post this
this is SOOO true and yes, I remember you! wasn’t your other account something like razz edits??❤️
I definitely agree!!! also congrats on 1k🥳🥳❤️❤️
I can't really relate but I'm glad you spoke out on this
all I’m going to say is work hard and earn the likes and follows :)
ahh congrats on 1k razz you deserve it sm. I’m so proud of you ✨♥️💗💕🎉
I totally agree!! and congrats on 1k you’ve totally earned it!! ilysm! ❤️❤️🎉🎉
oh wow this is so true
💗💗💗 I’m here for you Razz #stop hate and spread the truth aka kindness
I’m gonna start something about that stay tuned love ya❤️🤩
So true! these people are really annoying and I never do what they tell me
please no hate on Razz she doesn’t deserve it!!! besides she already got enough hate already again she didn’t deserve it i love you Razz!!!
thank you for this! soooo true and very frustrating!
this is actually so true. it’s only happened a few times, and never the same person, but yeah, it’s all fake if you ask people
I agree it’s super annoying when people do this x
this happens on featured collages a lot and they're like "Congrats on the feature! follow me please!" and I get so mad omg
omg yes preach!! 🙌🏼
you have to WORK for your account! no fake likes & cráp like that 🙄
^ hahah sorry i get really heated over this 😂 it’s just that i’ve been on pc for about 5 years so seeing ppl shoot up in likes & follows that they didn’t work for makes me extremely irritated 🙄
I totally agree with you, maybe these people are not on pic collage to make collages, but are just on it to have competitions on who can get the most likes and followers. but it’s not like that, they are probably fake people who only care about likes and followers. hopefully they realise how silly it is because it is not healthy
totally agree. thank you for adressing thism
I totally agree with u. it's so annoying when people ask to follow or like there collages. you have to put time, effort, and work for all that to happen
hahahaha true
((will delete this soooon))
I agreeee it’s really annoying!! I can tolerate self-promos for like collages or just “will you check out my account” but when they flat-out ask you to like and follow them? that’s rude.
*contests not collages
I agree, I’m usually too scared to say no, I don’t want to seem rude but maybe I’ll try to be more confident from now on 😊
sorry it took me a while to respond, can I do the bg?
Preach gurl 🙌🏻🙌🏻
thank you!
OMG I totally agree I mean it's fine if you say like "your collages are great I love so and so too you should check out my acc i do collages on so and so too i think you would like it" like thats fine but not if you say "follow me" or "like my collages" repeatedly
btw love your acc congrats on 1k!
yes! that happens to me and drives me crazy . yes I do post asking for followers but I don’t comment on everyone’s account I just post it and if someone wants to they can if not oh well