My quote
Does anyone have any good book recommendations?


CLICK My quote Does anyone have any good book recommendations?

70 3
Yes i have sooooooo many
I don't know what genres you like, so i just put a little of everything
Red Queen
Witch and Wizard!!!
Welcome! Anytime
The Giver!❤️
you, eh? join the hp Fangirl squad then
The Fault in our Stars!!!!! 😭😭😭
teams r up!
Saturday Boy! (By David Fleming)
The Girl Online series (there's 3) is AMAZING!!
to answer your question about did I leave, I took a little break Bc I got really busy with school, swim, band etc and I didn't have any inspiration anymore. but now that I took a break I will start trying to post 1-2 times a week again.
Yas! I loved the Maze Runner series they're so good
thanks for the spam!!!