Love you triplet-klf and GatheringBlue for being my fans!


Love you triplet-klf and GatheringBlue for being my fans!

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Please think about how your words affect others.
Proactive? I've tried that, doesn't work very well. I advise Clean & Clear for when you actually hit puberty yourself. It works better. 😉
I hate selfies because of what they have done to society, to put it simply.
Hey don't say mean things!! I looked at makinghappines's account and her collages are better than mine!!! Watch what you say
I can still delete that shoutout
just sayin ☺️
Also obviously you haven't hit puberty yet and dont understand how pimples work. Once you hit puberty you don't want anyone pointing out your pimples so don't do that to others. Thanks!!! (btw you will definitely be using proactive)
You shoudln't say things like that, you could extremely offend someone even though it doesn't seem like it.
JUST SAYING please make it nice but if you want you can write gossip about me idc. I'm alright with it (-:
you should not say those things about people I am unfollowing this acc
So you understand pimples!! Don't point them out now.
FYI makinghappines collages are awesome!! And nobody likes having their acne pointed out so plz don't. You should have better things to do then make people feel bad.
You obviously haven't hit puberty yet, all girls get pimples and it doesn't make anyone look ugly.