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heyy maci 😛
just chilling hbu
I've been so busy with school work it's killing me
I'm good how are you?
holy shït maci😍😍😍😍
new nickname??
like you changed your name to Yafav_Maci
I know I miss you too, I have been really busy with softball lately sorry boo😕❤️
so how have you been?
I lost a friend😥oh well
but I have you so everything is fine😂❤️
I vvv tireddddd😴
oh no my baby is hurt😂
yay is she better?
well a little is better than nothing. it's a working progress maci😏
😂😂something's wrong I suddenly fell like I need a boyfriend.😩what's going onnnnn😩😭😂
nah no boys ever talk to me😂
im herreeeee
they never remix or comment back😂😩😩😩😩
I know:(
yes you are my fav don't ever think different. mikey loves you and he's here for you. we are all here for you just please don't kill yourself
ughh no you pick!
ayyeee YESSS
ight *runs back home with you*
really?!?!*crosses arms and waits for you*
ohhh yeaaa sorrryyy*laughs and helps you walk a little *
*waits for you at door* almost done?!?!
*rolls eyes and laughs* i'll be in the car!
*beeps horn and scares you*
*laughs hard* *pulls out of driveway, drives for 10 mins then gets to carnival*
*gets in line for tickets* you should have brought a jacket stupid
*laughs and hands you tickets* true true😂 alright which ride first?!
*laughs and hands you tickets* true true😂 alright which ride first?!
*points to spinny thing* that!? *laughs*
*closes eyes tight as it starts to spin* *screams and laughs*
*screams and grabs your hand*
*ride ends and we get off * that was so embarrassing lmfào
*laughs* let's go on the ferries wheel!
nah! you go there i'll get the popcorn! *goes to get in line for popcorn*
*comes back with popcorn and we get on ferris wheel*
*we start to go up * holy shii look at the view
what's the matter??
your acting... not yourself.
your answering in short sentences with no emojis ..😬😂
something's up Maci just tell me. i'm here for you
ok... don't believe you but *smiles and we stop at the top*
DONT. look down *laughs*
*throws a piece of popcorn at you* *laughs*
*holds your bag of popcorn over the side of seat*
*drops it a little then catches it but still holds it over side* *smirks*
aw really😬 you know why?
aw i'm sorry:((
do you think your gonna break up?
aweee maci:(( well i'm here if you ever just need to rant!
so wyd
maci where the fxck do you think your going?!
i know it's hard right now but you need to be the strong girl that we all love you for!
good for you. i'm glad that your happy😌 can i hug you?
hey baby girl I'm so sorry I am doing really bad in school so my mom took my phone away so I'm not supposed to be texting you rn. I'm so sorry love but I promise that I will come back I love you so much❤️😥//karla