2:I need friends that know how to draw


2:I need friends that know how to draw

15 1
hey im tacy
i can be ur girlfriend lolz
I'm Taken Sorry 💕
Hello im RR and im a twelve year old girl
And im a video game nerd
So would my GF
I'm sorry
Im taken, but I wanted a boy to live me, not a girl
idk I gotta check on herr
Sure ^w^
I thought you were asking how she was srry lol
hamilton_ is my gf
You too! How are you?
Who is it? Gerard Trash?
Yeah she loves Hamilton
I was agreeing with ask SHOWTIME
No ask showtimes name is in caps!! That's why!!
Sorry sheesh
I cannot yell at you through the internet ya know??
whats ur fav anime
oml same
what can i draw
i said what do u like to draw
whoops *slaps self * i know how to draw
u, I can draw....
I can draw
ME! I love to draw.
i love to draw but i LOVE MCR MORE
could u enter my contest plz??😁
I can draw but I'm pretty bad at it, I'm only a starter at it