noah fence but I reeeeally wish I’d just reach 1,000 followers already. I don’t usually care abt folllwer count, especially considering most of them aren’t even active, but I’ve been between 990 and 997 followers for like 3 months now. *more in comments*


noah fence but I reeeeally wish I’d just reach 1,000 followers already. I don’t usually care abt folllwer count, especially considering most of them aren’t even active, but I’ve been between 990 and 997 followers for like 3 months now. *more in comments*

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and I get that there aren’t a lot of new users on pc as there were 3 years ago, so it’s harder to gain or whatever. I really hope I can get 1,000 by the end of 2017 though.
also may I ask why the héłl the featured page is all the same style of collages/edits? c’mon pc.
it used to be a variety of styles but now it’s all the same thing
about the featured page thing, yeah i totally agree. i've been on this app since i was 9 and it used to be so much more different
pc honestly needs to step up their game