We are gonna leave bc of Mackenzie-all


We are gonna leave bc of Mackenzie-all

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bc she isn't happy on here and we can't see her like that and she is the owner of the account-all but Mackenzie
oh why isn't she happy??-Claire
bc she is lonely and she thinks no guy will ever like her
but that shouldn't bring her down.
I mean, it takes time to find the perfect guy.
please no.
we don't know yet she is really sad-maya
Brady what no don't go I can't loose you again *cires
I'm sorry Carson but we've haven't kept in touch in a while. and I'm truly sorry if you're sad but we have to break up. I'm sorry. I hope you understand. we've just haven't talked in along time. but we can still be friends. sorry. -Kenzie
it's ok-Carson
ok but remember you are always gonna be my friend.
ok thanks