If u want to be a spirit guardian remix ur Oc I need two more people!!


If u want to be a spirit guardian remix ur Oc I need two more people!!

9 1
AJ it's been so long *smiles*
*laughs* I know..! (I'm not red dipper anymore I'm Shea fox now btw) *hugs him* I missed u and Ruby... *lets go and sighs* I was away on a mission sent to me by princess Luna *sighs* I had to go to the moon...
*looks at you* a lot of stuff happened...I'm a prince....
*bows at him* ur royal hindus... *laughs a little*
*smiles* but think about it...an Australian science wiz as a prince..,
*talks in an Australian accent* go'da mate...
*smiles* so your gonna imitate my accent
*pretends to dip a hat* yep mate...
Oi m8 I'll take you down to the outback and feed ya to some koalas *smiles and laughs a little*
*head explodes* WHAT...?
*laughs* exactly
*stomps her hoof on the ground* don't confuse me like that! *growls a little*
*you see a blur fly by you as i disappear*
*looks around* blue...?
*you see another blur and I appear in front of you with a hotdog* yes?
*jumps back then sighs and puts her head down* ur gonna give me a heart attack!
*laughs a little* what's wrong?
*sighs then thinks then a part of her chest lights up (we're her heart is) then spirit armor appears on her* I got some tricks too!
*smiles sly then looks at him* top that!
*i smirk and I zoom around you fast and you fly in the air then I stomp the ground and a storm appears* better than nothin
*looks at him with a playful angry face* ok then try this...! *puts her hoof on his heart and she has his heart in her hoof (spiritual) opens it up and stars fly around them and make him and Ruby around them showing his most favorite memory's*
*i scream in agony as I get stabbed in my back* AHHH
*the spirit show stops and she yells* BLUE!!!!
*i fall to the floor and a black and bloody knife falls to the ground* OOf!
*sees a pony running off and growls then looks down at him* Blue I'm going pull it out this might hurt a little... *pulls it out*
*i don't flinch or move just lye there*
*has a horrific look on her face then picks him up and flies to the doctors*
*i lay limp and I mumble* Ruby...tell her I luv her... *my ears twitch a little*
*rolls her eyes* u can tell her urself... ur not leaving on my watch... *crashes into the hospital* SOMEONE PLZ HELP HES BEEN STABBED!!! *doctors take u and put u into a room* -3hrs pass- (doctor) he will be ok but he will have to stay in the hospital for a while...
*i snore loudly echoing through the hospital*
*walks into the room and sighs then sits down and goes to sleep in a chair next to him*
*mumbles in my sleep* don't tell anyone that you may be pregnant...
*opens one eye them rolls her eyes* Ruby's gonna be worried... *walks over to the phone and calls ruby*
*i mumble again* phone guy...hello..hello hello...oh hello
*looks over at him then looks back* It's nothing I bet...!
*sniffs the air* mama...? can go with you now...
*looks at him worried then walks over to him and feels his head* hmm... he isn't running a fever... I wonder why he's saying these things..?
*my eye twitches*
*looks at him then thinks* maybe he has cold fever..?
*calls Ruby and no one answers* hmm... maybe she's busy?
*one eye opens* um...why do I tastes fluid IV?
*walks over to him* your in the hospital stupid...
*i shoot up and fly around destroying the place* no no no no
*ducks down under the bed then doctors come in and strap him to the bed* (Doctor)*puts the IV back in his arm* you can't leave yet... your not fully healed! (Shea) they walk out and she comes out from under the bed then looks at him and laughs a little* it's ur fault ur strapped down u know...?
*my eyes glow grey and I speed so fast in the straps they snap*
*sighs then watches him go crazy* this is what I have to deal with!
*i break through the window and disappear*
*growls* rlly blue...? *flies after him*
*i zoom all over the sky and finally stop*
*rams into him and rubs her head* ouch!
*i fall asleep*
*flies down and catches him* geez!
*flies to a nearby cloud and puts him down and sighs* idiot!
*lifts up ears*
*looks at him* u can't be doing things like that's!
*i wake up and stand up* what happened...
*face palms* u feel asleep while flying!
*rubs head* ow
*looks at him* what's the matter?
my head hurts
*thinks* well u did hit ur head?
*looks down at the ground and sighs* always with the clouds! *i fly back to ground*
*follows him down* r u ok?
*looks at you* yes I'm fine
*looks at him worried* r u sure...?
*smiles* yes I am
*walks over to him* your not telling me something... what's the matter?
*sighs* there's nothing wrong
*growls a little* why does no one trust me! *she flies up and lays in a tree* I can keep secrets!
*looks at you* Shea there is nothing wrong
*sighs* I'm sorry I'm just going threw some things.... *sees the moon coming up* it's getting late u better go home..
*looks up* to the castle...
*looks at him then sighs* I don't have a home anymore... I live in the street or in a tree or cloud... but rainbow lets me stay with her sometimes...
*looks at you* rainbow?
*looks at him* ya rainbow dash lets me sleep at her place sometimes... after the whole thing with my mom my dad thought it would be better if I stayed with her because they new each other for a long time and were good friends...
*smiles* Applejack told me all about her
*sighs sadly then fakes a smile* ya well I have to head there so see u later *flies away but dashes behind a tree and waits for him to leave*
*i zoom to the castle*
*watches him fly away then she goes over to a dog bed be hind a dumpster and lays down then sighs and closes her eyes and goes to sleep*
*i fly to you after I notice you* Shea...
*jumps up* Oh hey blue... *gets low and her tail goes between her legs* what's up..?
*sighs* why did you lie to me
*cries a little* I'm sorry blue... I'm... im... *cries* plz don't tell my sister...
*i hold your hand* don't cry
*looks at him and cries harder*
*i hug you* plz don't cry Shea
*hugs him back and cries on him* IM SO SORRY!!'
*cries a little* it's fine just come with me
*lets go of him* o-ok.. *follows him*
*i walk to the castle*
*stops at the bottom of the stairs* I-I.. can't blue... this is your house... u don't need a nasty thing like me in there...
*sighs* if your nasty then I am...this is my castle and you can come in
*cries some more* this is ur house blue... I can't...
*you appear in my room* there
*jumps back* why r u doing this...?
*looks at you* your not sleeping on the streets
*tears stream dos her face* that's were trash goes blue! *cries* I don't have a home... I have no where to go..
*i stare you in the eye* you have here! you are welcome to be here until you can afford a house
*cries* I'm sorry...
*sighs* don't be
*cries harder* I should be... I lie to u... then I start yelling at u... and...
*i rest my hood on yours* stay here
*looks up at him and nods*
*i hug you* have the bed I'll sleep on the couch
*hugs him* no blue... plz don't do that..
*looks at the couch* it's comfier than you think
*sighs* ok... *hops in the bed and lays down* night blue... (can we continue RP in the morning I'll just comment on here when I'm up)
ok) good night Shea
*wakes up in the morning and sees blue still sleeping* maybe I can sneak out... *sees a window nearby and flies out of it and she flies away and into Ponyvile*
*i wake up* oh no *sighs*