Collage by _The_Selection_


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Princess Brooke smiles and so does Prince Micheal. “Welcome”
“Thanks!” she replies as if talking to royalty is something she does everyday but with lots for respect and curiosity at the same time. “I’m really glad to meet you!”
“Oh and I’m Lizzie Turner. How are you Prince and Princess?”
Nicholas smiles. “I’m doing great! And you look lovely today” Nicholas smiles. Brooke smiles the first time any of the Selects addressed her. “I’m doing lovely how about you?”
“Oh thats great! Thank you so much! You look handsome yourself! she pauses for a moment and looks at the Princess and sees her smile and continues, “That’s fabulous! Same, it’s like a dream to be here talking to you! You’re an inspiration!”
“An Inspiration? Wow..No one has ever said anything like that to me!” Brooke says flattered. “Thank you!” Nicholas smiles seeing his sister happy for the first time in a while.
Brooke felt something she’s never felt before real happiness not the one from Christmas not the happiness from getting a pony but maybe she walks making a Friend.. “So tell us about yourself Lizzie.” Nicholas says.
“Well I’m surprised about that!”*Lizzie laughs and smiles at the Princess* she doesn’t smile just to be nice she smiles because she likes the Princess. She turns to the prince joyously. “No problem,” she turns to the middle of the two trying to make it clear she was talking to both of them, “I just wanted to say that I really like you guys, I feel comfortable talking to you like you’re normal people even though you’re royalty.” she still has the smile she had since the very beginning.
“Well... I love cooking, reading, spending time with family and laughing. I know laughing is a kind of weird thing to say, but I enjoy it,” she laughs as if I’m cue, “What about you?”
(I mean on cue)
“That’s Nice to hear.” Brooke smiles. “Well I love to paint I have a twin and younger sisters and well I’m a prince.”
“Yeah.” she laughs again and smiles warmly. “Sorry if I laugh to much.” she moves her head to the Prince. “That’s cool! I don’t paint because I have no talent at all in that category so... yeah. What’s your favorite thing you’ve painted? Do you get along well with your younger sisters? And yeah hahahahah!”
“Well I love painting the garden..And I’m actually the middle child Brooke’s born an hour before I was..And I guess I get along with them.” Nicholas shrugs
“That’s cool, I can’t wait to see it! Hahah are you unhappy about that? That’s good!” she turns to the Princess looking to see if she was happy that she was older.
Brooke frowns and crosses her arms she always wondered what it would be like to be the heir.
Lizzie’s consistent smile fades seeing she might have hurt the Princess feelings in someway. “Oh I’m sorry.”
Brooke sighs. “It’s fine.”
“It was nice meeting you Lady Lizzie but we’re on a tight schedule. Goodbye and have a great rest of your day.” Prince Nicholas day and adds the last smile.
“I was really nice talking to you to! And thanks. Ok,” she nods and smiles, “Goodbye and you too!” She looks at the Prince and sees him smiling which makes her smile grow bigger.