✨ 04-13-23 ✨
Q: whats your favorite breakfast food? 
A: anything that involves 🥑✨🥰


✨ 04-13-23 ✨ Q: whats your favorite breakfast food? A: anything that involves 🥑✨🥰

20 0
this is sooooo nice
love the vibes
wow this is so pretty! love the pngs and pictures you chose !
aotd: pancakes !
toast I think
thank you i love all this too!
thank you so much :)
im mad that I didn't follow u sooner
thank u sm 🩷🫶🏻
this is absolutely stunning
of course ! and yes!! I absolutely adore the aesthetic <3
omg thank you so much!!💕
aotd: absolutely bacon and scrambled eggs!! (pancakes are optional here lol)
this is so pretty omg!! your overlaying skills are amazing😭
ahh I love avocados 🥑 too lol✨
just buttery toast is the best (to me obviously)
Ethel Cain is a music artist I just found out about
posts daily !! true stunner ⭐️
hope you’re hving a great day too~! <33
tysm! love this too❤️
yes!! and I thought the peaches song was hilarious!!