If I end the year with an A in Algebra II for all quarters you bet your aśś ice cream will be involved


If I end the year with an A in Algebra II for all quarters you bet your aśś ice cream will be involved

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I'm failing Algebra II because I have no motivation to do anything and I've never been good at math
I did last year and barely passed
*hangs head and raises hand*
I wish, I love math except for the teacher and they don’t have different math levels for my grade
i’m taking it rn and i hate it
it’s fun when i understand what’s going on but otherwise it’s gross
I'm algebra 1 bish I have it next year with our fav teacher ahem
I'm taking linear algebra (aka the lowest 8th grade math class) and I still end up crying sometimes😂
You'll make it, I believe in you👌🙌
Thanks! :)
dANG you smart
i take advanced algebra (that’s what we call it in my school??) and ugh i cry everytime i get something wrong it’s so d i f f i c u l t
wait a sec this sounds creepy but where r u from?
cuz in the us we do alg i, geometry, then alg ii
u must b hecka smart