JUST GOT CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE! And it is LONG! Seeing Love, Simon...for the third time😂😅. I have a problem. Still COMPLETELY obsessed with Shadowhunters. Sorry collage is bad, I am off my game. Hope y’all are happy and healthy~😘


“☁️tap☁️” JUST GOT CITY OF HEAVENLY FIRE! And it is LONG! Seeing Love, Simon...for the third time😂😅. I have a problem. Still COMPLETELY obsessed with Shadowhunters. Sorry collage is bad, I am off my game. Hope y’all are happy and healthy~😘

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thank you so much. you brought a smile to face. :) ♥️
my face*** 😂
nice to meet you :)
WOAH!!! So pretty!! 😍😍😍 Your collages are so ahsjsnskslmsk i don't even know how..you are soooooooooooo TALENTED
thanks! this is beautiful!❤️✨
okay so one: I LOVE COHF!!!!!! who’s your favourite character? also tell me when you’ve finished it because I want to know what you thought of the end! and two: OMG I WANNA SEE LOVE SIMON AGAIN!!! my mum wants to see it and I said that as long as I can go she can see it😂 I really need to see it again it was so beautiful!!!😂♥️♥️
OmG TrOYe LyRicS! I only noticed that nowwww!!😂😂😂