Collage by -B-M-C-


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Jermey: Actually, Probably not. BUT I DO FINALLY LOVE SOMEONE
if u where on an island with Christine and michealLL what would u guys bring ? if there was no food would u eat each other or magically just get food cuz logic
Jermey: Oh God... I would bring an extension cord and phones and a PC and food. Mikey would probably bring music.. and idk about Christine.
u know that that (Lel two that's) island could be Dominican Republic and u wouldn't need that u would just need some money and no long sleeves (yay I'm half Dominican)
Jermey: Hm..
Jermey: Who do you ship me with?
chritisine anddddd Michael (wow what a coincidence that they are the characters I know the most of)
Jermey: *puts himself in a bin* I'm gay.
DATS COOOOL *gets u out of the bin and puts u on a couch* UwU
Jermey: Who isn't gay? Wait, Sophia/Cuzmuffin.
I am cuz I like boys and I'm happy (The other to definitions XD)
Jermey: I feel like Mikey is mad at me.
why would he!?
Jermey: It's just that feeling..
get someone to ask him for u but don't let them say that u asked it works for me all the time