I'm watching tv at 10:40


I'm watching tv at 10:40

2 0
I'm up 2
I'll be up all night
cool not me but I'm up now
haha u wusses could never stay up longer than me ( yes that a challenge)
I can stay up till 4:30 am
later if I'm at my friends
I could but I have school tomorrow
u have school let me guess u live in Southern Hemisphere
I'm in north
I live in Vermont where do u live?
Georgia USA
cool I live in Vermont USA
I live in AZ USA
I got out may 27
I am watching that too.. 😂
cool I didn't few more weeks ugh
I got out of school May 26
# chat party
WHT u guys wanna chat bout
I don't care
Party all night and sleep all day that me every day
Wanna roleplay?? //Alice
Has to be appropriate for a 12 yr old
I'll let u 2 I'll just go it's fine
no you can stay!
kk btw I will qin staying up all night
Why u still got still I'll nuke ur school lol jk
fine I will stay for bit
Sponge bob for life
Sponge bob episode 1 help wanted best one ever
ok I'm not a big fan of sponge bob but whatever
but he's in idiot how can u not be a fan
because I don't like it for some reason
lol I can't but whatever I should go soon
kk u need ur rest for school
ya talk tomorrow?