It’s tru, Sophie is suicidal, anorexic, and has PTSD. Not to mention insomnia, anxiety. Who wants to be friends with such a screwed up person.


It’s tru, Sophie is suicidal, anorexic, and has PTSD. Not to mention insomnia, anxiety. Who wants to be friends with such a screwed up person.

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well you seem pretty screwed up yourself, sooo...😬
she’s going through things you would never have the strength to process or absorb. do not judge someone’s situation of hardship just because you cannot process the magnitude of such serious and austere issues. she’s doing her best. you’re being the worst.
everyone is "screwed up" in some way. No ones perfect. please stop, she's going through a hard time and instead of making a hate page, you could support her. please stop with the hate
I would want to be friends with her
Me: *searching for inspiration for collages* “Oh look. Some ACTUAL TALENT.” *gets 500x more likes by supporting Sophie bc she is such an inspiration and we relate so much but no one can tell*
You: *searching for what your page should become* “Oh look. That’s pretty good. But I guess I could get more like than her.” *creates a hatepage* “Heh heh. I’m making collages that are way better than hers.” *notices you don’t get any likes* “There’s nothing wrong with some self support.” *likes all your collages* “Everyone will think that people like my collages more than Sophie.” *Gets kicked off PC*
You really should be supporting her, thousands of people commit suicide everyday. It’s not something to joke around about.
I don't understand. You've never even met her, yet you know so much about her.. Why did you start this page in the first place? You're just looking for the hate. Please, we have way too many of these now to the point where I don't see the purpose. I'm sure you're actually a nice person, and if you got the chance to actually know Sophie, you'd say the same.
I can't believe you
she has a life...but apperently you don't
you don't even have a heart to care or a brain to realize it. Sophi fantastical and is creative. You don't even know how it feels to have a page like this do you. you just want attention and to be mean cause you want to and you don't know what it's like
well it's not fun
so stop
and it's her choice for friendships
so go away and get a life a heart and a brain. And maybe then will you be welcome, maybe then you'll care and realize it. Sophie may not be the best person but no one is perfect and you aren't either
so basically ur hating on her bc she have problems, that’s messed up, how would u feel if someone did it to u?? plus, no one is PERFECT, so stop hating on Sophie and get a life
and everyone have their own problems, so just leave her alone and delete this page u heatless hater
Sophie is NOT messed up! You are the one with problems, your hating on someone because of something they can’t change. So (please) go do something more productive, like learn how to spell because “tru” is not a word it’s true. Bye
and do u think making Sophie a fxcking hatepage is going to help her with her depression?? NO!!!! so just leave her alone and delete this fxcking hatepage