


18 1
Dae: °—° when he's in 'Must protect family' mode
Dae: =_____= *holds Jay*..
Dae: *squeaks*
Dae: *sets Jay down and runs off*
Dae: ;//////; Lu: *eyes glow bright orange*...Put. My. Son. DOWN!!
Dae: GAH!! Lu: Just hand me my son and I won't get mad
Lu: *holds Jay close and steps back, into a circle of fire*
Lu: *makes a peace sign and disappears into a cloud of ash*
Hyde: *kicks the scissors away, eyes glowing bright purple* You have NO IDEA what my sister went through to even have Jay survive! So shut up
Hyde: *puts headphones around my neck* Tch..
Hyde: *sidesteps him and backflips away*
Hyde: *smiles* Aria-chan! Aria: *sighs and hair turns pink, picking Hyde up and jumping away*
Lu: *gets hït in the head with the boot*
Lu: @n@
Lu: *passes out on the ground*
Lu: *cuddles into his chest* Hyde: .-. Donnie
Hyde: .-.
Hyde: .-. You hit Lu with a boot
Hyde: *blushes*.... I-I'm gonna get killed by Tony...right..?
Hyde: *kisses you*
Lu: *pecks his cheek* Hyde: *purrs*
Lu: *is on Tyler's back, now asleep* Hyde: *nuzzles his neck^
Hyde: *holds his hips* Mine~ *growls*
Hyde: *licks his cheek*
Hyde: *kisses his neck* Mine..mine..mine..
Hyde: *purrs*