I'll be talking of a book I'm enjoying, and then hear about someone's particular distaste for books. I try be composed on the outside, but inside I'm screaming: "How do you not like BOOKS?! They make people smart. DON'T YOU WANT TO BE SMART? Well then, re


I'll be talking of a book I'm enjoying, and then hear about someone's particular distaste for books. I try be composed on the outside, but inside I'm screaming: "How do you not like BOOKS?! They make people smart. DON'T YOU WANT TO BE SMART? Well then, re

145 0
Great quote, I love the way you styled the words!โค๏ธ
hey! cool collage! could you possibly enter my contest, if so thanks so much
The quote is me in every way i love reading its my life
amazing as always!
IT'S IN WORDS NOW. This is amazing and sooooo true.
Books are amazing! they take me to a whole new world ๐Ÿ’—