luke makes me so extremely happy wowowowowow <33


luke makes me so extremely happy wowowowowow <33

39 2
lil lovebirds
thank you kenzi!!! ily
you make me happier!!! <33
please tell me anything you find out, please.
i know nothing about jake, but i know ali was driving and they hit the side of a truck and she was almost asleep while driving and the semi kinda scraped the side of the car so she panicked and swerved the car, and drove it into something
oh god. is she okay?
Kaylah are you okay? I love you alright, it'll be okay.
it's going to take my parents hours to get there. I have no idea but Mrs. McAllister said Jake had to go to surgery but Ali seems okay, she just needs stitches in a few places and she mangled her ankle, broke it really badly or something
i don't know what his surgery is for but I hope it's something not bad.
I love you too
no I'm not okay, I'm just really confused because they are both two good people
especially jake
I don't even know what to say
they have to be okay. he has to be okay.
oh my god, Jake
I'm really sorry.
I hope he isn't hurt too badly.
I hope not either
oh god I'm praying for them both
it's okay
is that where mrs. McCall was?
she's just in hysterics and no one can get a word out of her and he has a bunch of broken things but no one has any exact information
she wasn't home bc she was with them?
yeah, no I don't promise
yeah, that's where she was. the two girls at their friend's and Chris is apparently trying to come see him, so idk if that's good or Jake is in that bad of a condition that his father needs to come
oh my god Kaylah
I'm going to be sick.
like you don't know what's broken?
is his breathing okay? he doesn't have any clotting or bleeding to his brain or heart or anything does he?
I already was, about six times
I have no idea, and his breathing?? I don't even know
I was too and then I calmed down and now everything is raging again
I know he IS breathing and he isn't dead because they're performing surgery and I have no idea about any of those things. I have no idea.
oh my god I'm dizzy
well yeah, okay thank you. let me know if you hear anything.
Ali said he had breathing problems in the car before the ambulance came
I'm so sorry Kaylah.
I honestly don't even know what breathing problems even constitutes
oh my god no
is that bad? is it?
yes, oh my god my baby
but it's under control now?
oh my dear GOD
what is that supposed to mean? something with his lungs? his heart?
idk, depends. i don't know based on the situation.
I don't know if it's under control, i have no contact w anyone but Mrs mcAll and the last thing I want to do is bother her
sometimes it's that or shock
she said he was shocked
he was actually sleeping when it happened
yeah your body going into shock from the pain or just the impact or scare
isn't that fUNNY, isn't it? he actually got to sleep for once and then the car got hit by a semi
i don't know. I'll have to ask him once he maybe gets to be in a talking mood. if he can talk, idk
oh god
i can't even imagine him, I'm so scared
i'm sure once ali gets her phone I'll start getting some real info, but I don't want to. frankly, in too scared too. I don't want to know what's happened
I don't even want to think about Jake going through it
I can't
I just want to know he's okay and be able to talk to him. just hear him say he's okay.
he'd say he was okay with a fûcking sword sticking out of his heart
I know
I'm sure he'll be fine, idk
I mean, she's okay other than the ankle and the stitches and the shock and all so he's probably in okay condition too
he had breathing problems but that could just be from the panic
you don't entirely believe that do you?
I want to, and I'm trying, but I'm so scared. I want him to be okay.
not at all lol
i've kinda learned to expect the worst and be happy when it's not that
and if it is, i was prepared
bby, i know. i'm sure you'll be one of the first people he'll go to after he figures out he's okay.
no, idec about that. I don't even deserve that. he's gotta get better and heal and recoup just for him and then he needs to be with his family and you and Andy and Carlos and Ali
I just want him to be okay. I need him to be.
you're there too
I hope so. but we all know Jake fights really hard for what he wants
I shouldn't be.
I really shouldn't, Andy was right.
I know, I'm so proud of him for always being so strong. I just need him to pull through again
don't say that, he was just mad
me too, I'm so proud of everything he's done for everyone. I know, I hope so
idk, he's never been too good at winning battles with himself
I know, but I feel like he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it.
he's so amazing
I know. but this is jake, and even though this is all about him rn, he's gonna pull through for his mom and sisters and all of you guys
I'm sure what he said Jake said isn't true.
I know, he's just bitter
he is, and you too. he's pulling through for you too
I hope it's not and if it was, I wish Jake would've told me
I'd like to apologize to him when the time is right.
yeah, you all though. you all are his life, his happiness, his support base.
it was probably just them being guys and then maybe there was a misunderstanding with whatever he said
I'm sure he'd apologize too. he's actually really sweet when he isn't being a jerk
Jules you are such a big part of Jake's life though. you're his happiness too and if anything, you probably support him more than some of his friends
maybe. it's what it is.
yeah, maybe ask jake later on
I know I was rude, but I actually don't hate Andy. it sounds weird but I love him, and Ali and Jake's family and all. and of course you. and I know that sounds weird but it's because jake wants to make them happy and they make him happy and that's important to me and I respect that. and i know it's crazy, but if jake and I ever amounted to more I'd want them to love me too.
Kaylah, thank you for stepping in for me back there. for covering for me and having my back.
that's sweet, and I'm sure they will. you're such a sweetheart honestly, they really kinda have to
thank you, he's such a big part of mine. I'm just so sorry I've hurt him and you and everyone else. I wanna fix things.
you know how much he loves you right?
oh no problem
I appreciate it. I just want everyone happy, that's all I want. thank you, Kay. so are you truly ❤️
Ik but you don't have to be sorry, it's okay
yeah, I mean from what he tells me
he's so precious. but what was Andy saying about pledging to marry me? did he tell you all that or something?
if I ever come out there, I want to start over with everyone and officially apologize and I don't want anymore hate or sadness.
good, he tells me too
I actually have no idea. that's something you'll want to ask Andy, I was never told about that
I know :/ but the whole marriage thing sounds interesting
he still does?
I think I'd better hold off. yeah. it's crazy.
Kaylah, do you need anything? can I help at all with anything?
I'll probably end up asking him, I'm super curious
probably not now. you know i think Andy was crying?
that's sweet. so am I.
and honestly, I don't think so. I think I'm just going to sleep a little early or watch a movie or something
I don't doubt it. that's his brother.
okay, just let me know. and if you'd like alone time or something let me know too. I'll be pulling an all nighter.
like he called me to ask if he should come over and I was going to ask, but then his voice just broke and he tried to tell me he's had this weird chest cold for days but I knew he was crying so I said he didn't have to come.
I'm okay
that's so sad.
I wish we could call like we used to
it breaks my heart when guys let loose and cry
God I know, I sobbed after hanging up
especially because Andy's such a guy's guy, idk how to explain it
I was so thankful I was home alone when you told me because I sobbed too. like heaving sobs, crazy the noises a person can make
aw Julia
is your little sister with you? like you're alright at home?
yeah I understand that
yeah I'm okay, I'm pretty sure
okay Kay, i know this is a lot.
yeah, I'll be fine though. I have to be mature about it and just suck up whatever happens
i just want to apologize for what Andy said because whatever Jake told him I'm sure is just a misinterpretation. I know Andy isn't a liar, even though he's a lot of things, so he probably just misheard whatever Jake said about you
I know, but it's okay to feel how you are too.
you don't have to apologize. neither of you do. I appreciate it though. whenever you feel the time is right, would you let him know I'd like to apologize?
I really do think Andy is a good guy, Kaylah, and not just because you're dating. I'm happy you're happy together though.
yeah I'll let him know
thank you
omg he really really is! he has a really strong personality and he's stubborn, but he can be extremely kind. and sweet.
they're sending Avery back to my place so I now have to sûck it up even more
aw, and that's totally okay. I know, I'm really glad you worked out. you both deserve it.
aw Kay. I know she'll be happy to be with you
just let me know when I need to g
thank you, and I'm not really in the mood for it because I know she's in a really depressing mood
oh that's okay, you don't have to
of course and I understand. I know everyone's emotionally exhausted.
you sure?
everything alright?
Kaylah, is jake okay? do you know? please let me know. I need to know he's okay.
jake needed stitches on his forehead and some sort of breathing issue because he banged his chest on the steering wheel and was yanked back by the seatbelt which had some issue with his abdomen (but minor) and he broke a collarbone and I think two ribs
he got surgery for his collarbone i think and he was really shaken up, I heard, but i think he's okay. like he just still has a sore skin on his stomach, he said, and it hurts when he coughs or even breathes
Ali's phone broke. however, Jake's phone was shockingly un damaged, it just died while they waited for help. apparently they were stuck waiting for a while
neither of them could move
oh my god
I was up all night, I'm so glad it wasn't worse.
I don't even want to imagine them going through that
oh my god Jake
he got the worst of it
when she screamed, he leaned forward to grab the wheel and just hit hard when they crashed
please don't tell me
I don't want to know all of that
i thought you'd want to know
i didn't sleep either, his sister was just in the most hysterical mood
no, it terrifies me, I just wanna know how they are. not what happened- it makes me sick.
how's she doing now?
I have no idea. she's just in hysterics because no one told her about Jake
she thinks she killed him because he wasn't breathing well in the car
oh god poor Avery
I'm going tonight. Andy's going to drive me. they said he's still having difficulty breathing so he has oxygen going on him and it hurts really bad, his ribs and the surgery site
oh my god Kay
I stop crying
I don't know if I'm relieved or not.
he doesn't deserve it, I cried the whole night
I'm relieved but i feel awful he got the worst of it.
that's TERRIFYING, being stuck in a car with a phone but being unable to breathe or move
I got sick a couple times and then I stayed up so when my mom came to surprise me or whatever for my bday I was up and she was piśśed and she just left the house screaming and then get this, she calls me and I think she's gonna apologize or something and then she chews me out again and ends it with "oh forgot to say happy bday"
watching each other bléęding
I'm sick
oh happy birthday, and I'm sorry that happened :/
i really hope your day is good, getting to see jake and all.
I don't think I want to, his mom said he's in a pretty bad condition
that's terrifying. and yeah whatever. I'm not feeling it today
oh god
it is
I wish I was there
I feel awful, I'm so sorry this happened before your birthday
if ms mcall said he's doing awful and she's an ER nurse
I k
it's okay. no one can help it.
I know 😞
I still hope you have a good day
knowing Jake, he'll probably get on to wish you
yeah, thanks. he doesn't have to do that. I want him resting.
I'll tell him that, I want him resting too
idk how he's going to type, he can't even breathe
he's apparently trying to breathe really shallow and he can't even do that because he might get an infection
oh god
oh my god he has to be okay
i really hope so because i miss him already
just not talking to him for a day makes me sad. and same w Ali, I miss her like crazy and I'm dying to see her
I don't know if I can even look at Jake though.
I understand
I miss him so much
I'm so scared for him. I love him so much, Kay
I know you do. I'm terrified, seeing him in that much pain
I know, babe
me too. it hurts me but I'd trade him in an instant
Kay, please have a good day and please please update me tonight or whenever you can