since never. my friend was sending pictures of that Jacob guy to a group chat and being all like "SO HAWT!!! 🔥😍" so my fangirl friend and I sent pictures of Gerard, Dan and Matt "this is hotness." she said  "ew! they U-G-L-Y!!!" she's verry verry blind.


since never. my friend was sending pictures of that Jacob guy to a group chat and being all like "SO HAWT!!! 🔥😍" so my fangirl friend and I sent pictures of Gerard, Dan and Matt "this is hotness." she said "ew! they U-G-L-Y!!!" she's verry verry blind.

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@caption stab her. it is forbidden to insult our precious beans
^^^ikr. I will.
Gerard is too beautiful for this world...
^^^^^^^yeah. he really is
^^^^ive thought about it
I say we use an icicle to kill her so the evidence melts away 😈