They're way more comfortable than the rolled up blanket I use as a pillow at my house


They're way more comfortable than the rolled up blanket I use as a pillow at my house

16 0
you can just walk out with it usually, they won’t stop you cause they think it may be your own you brought. but if you want want to just walk out with it put it in a suitcase. or do what my friend does and just bring empty anime body pillow covers and put them in that.
hey , I hope you join my element games!!!!!! I think they’d be really fun if you joined . Please ?! xxx
you can be team wind !
don't do it
team WIND it is ??? Congrats
re:// oh... Oof
Yeet sure
Oof a few posts back is a lil demon boi named Orlean. you can draw him if you want
that's chill. what should I draw for you
so wait what's mike's clothing look like
also how's your Saryn fanfiction coming? I kinda forgot about it