Why am I even here if no one cares how about I just kms (:)


Why am I even here if no one cares how about I just kms (:)

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don't leave friendddd:(
I am I have to im so done why does it even matter I tried so hard to be nice to your girl hełl I even brought you together and I never once was rude and she's talking all this stuff behind my back and deleting the comments of her being rude to me I'm done okay
bye Wes I wish you two the best...
noooo pleaseeee:((
I'm going I'm kind of done helping people bye Wes it was nice meet you
why can't you talk to me? who said you had to stop?
I just don't wanna help people anymore all I do is get hated on and it's fine okay just go away please
*looks down*okay..bye it was nice meeting you..
*hugs you tight and kisses your cheek* hope you two are happy okay if I come back invite me to the wedding and I'll baby sit for your guys kids
*hugs back*thank you for everything..I know Maggie would say thank you too
I don't know about that but okay this is goodbye
goodbye I'm really sorry I hope il see you again okay?
I don't think you'll see me again.... after this
Wes I don't even matter okay go be with mags right now I never belonged on this earth anyways I was always odd so I think it's my time to go
no stop*pouts*your gonna be my little sister no matter what*hugs you*
*hugs you back* it's my time to go I'll be looking down at you from heaven
no please don't hurt yourself or I will hurt myself
don't say that Wes you need to be here for Maggie okay that's all that matters okay I'll always be right there *puts your hand over your heart*
no no no stop*pouts*your gonna stay here
no I'm not.... it's my time to go okay stop worrying about me you need to take care of mags I can handle myself okay
no I'm gonna worry about you too your gonna stay here
Wes stop no matter what you say I'm doing this it's my time just promise me something before I go
what is it*looks down
to take care of yourself and don't hurt yourself okay please for me
I'll try not to*looks down
no that's not good enough for me Wes*lifts your chin up and looks into your eyes*
*pouts*its trUe
nope you need to promise you won't hurt yourself at all your to perfect to be doing that stuff to yourself Wes
I can't promise you that*looks down*
*lifts your chin up* please *tears up* for me...
you swear to me Wes your the only thing I have and I don't want you hurting yourself
okay okay I won't*looks down
please don't be sad... this is for the best
no it's not..please don't do anything for me
you can't ask me to do that I have to do this Wes...
then I'm gonna kms too
you can't do that you have Maggie
you can't do it either you have me
I know I do but it's just my time okay you gotta understand that and you need to stay for Maggie she's the only thing you need to worry about she's very special to you focus on her
I wanna focus on you too
no you can't be with her okay.... I'll miss you..
no please don't..
*looks down* i have too...
no you can't please
I'm sorry I have to *tears up* we just met Wes I don't mean a lot okay you'll have a new best friend in no time okay just be with your girl okay *looks down*