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I'm sorry that my edits are taking so long, but there WILL eventually be a few! Q and A in the comments? โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜


๐Ÿ•click here๐Ÿ• I'm sorry that my edits are taking so long, but there WILL eventually be a few! Q and A in the comments? โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜

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How was your day?
@JustYourAverageGingerPhanGirl: Could have been better. But it was alright. hbu?
Aw why what happened?
mine was alright-ish, like yours, could've been better
Oh, nothing bad. It just wasn't that interesting. I was a jerk to some guy I used to like, though. That didn't make me feel so great, because he had (and still does have) adorable emo hair. ๐Ÿ˜‘ fmล‚
What did you do?
There are literally no guys with adorable emo hair and it saddens me deeply.
Well he had it. I think I have an old yearbook photo of him.
same as your pretty much. just generally unexciting
there are barely any decent boys at my school tbh
That sucks, there IS one guy in my class who would be great but I have to make a list of "What You Need To Do If You Like Me". Basically things like wearing black skinny jeans and brushing your hair every day.
aw he's pretty cute
and yeah mines the same tbh
Yeah, only problem is that I don't think he likes me. And I was mean to him.
why were you mean?
I have to go now as it'll 11pm where I am and have school tomorrow, but I'll reply as soon as I see the message
Basically he said "Hi" to me for the FIRST TIME EVER and I was like "Oh, HELLO." And he was just "Oh." ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ž I'm the worst with people
that's not mean? and I'm so awkward, as you can tell by my posts, it's unbelievable
Well, I kind of said it in that way where adults who don't like children talk down to them. It's hard to explain. But anywayssssss I'm a failure ๐Ÿ˜‚
the games have begun
pst, go look on my page, I have a surprise for you! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
Nah, you're not a failure. far from it.
Aww thanks!!
same though