heavily inspired collage from @lovely_blossoms! (Laura) 
Made it back to my hometown! I had a great night yesterday, but I had an unexpected faint today😭 (I could post something in my extras) anyway, I am better now, and luckily, I don’t need to


🫶tappp!🫶 heavily inspired collage from @lovely_blossoms! (Laura) Made it back to my hometown! I had a great night yesterday, but I had an unexpected faint today😭 (I could post something in my extras) anyway, I am better now, and luckily, I don’t need to

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@cap follow 💕: I didn’t need to go to the hospital! I had a little rest time while my parents went to see some family members. so I thought making a collage! THANK YOU GUYS FOR 800 OH MY GOSH! I am starting to believe it’s not a glitch….? I love you guys so so much, and thank you for all of your support. also, thank you for all the amazing friendships I had here, it’s priceless💕🌷
hope you’re feeling a bit better now Dora! Yes the friendships are totally worth it! you deserve 800, don’t discredit yourself xx
I’m okay, hru??
I’ve missed you 💓
So beautiful!!!! I think you got what it takes to join the "Artist_Girls" Club!!! I only let the most talented artist on PicCollage join!!! Congrats!!
i’m alright! i’m a bit nervous for this weekend haha 😭😭how are you?
woahhhh this is amazing! @caption: ofc, glad you made it back to your hometown!!!!!
hi! I’m doing good and thanks for asking! I’ve just been real busy with school and sports, hru??
heyyyy dora! now it says you have 287 followers?
omg i hope ur feeling better soon tho🫶
🤭wow I never thought I could reach that🤭
this is so pretty wow!
oh no! I hope that everything gets better and it doesn’t happen again ❤️
this is stunning, it reminds me of my old theme loll🩷✨
yeah it’s really weird! and yeah I definitely agree! also when are you releasing the results of your and daisy’s contest? I’m really excited, thank god I just snuck my entry in 😅
thanks Dora! you are the literal sweetest 🫶
yeah I love the colours too
thank you!! your so kind!
yeah me and her decided to take a break together so it’d be easier haha, but thank you so much and i’ll miss you!!
ahhh thank u!☀️🫶🫶
how’s your trip been??
This is stunning ❤
new post! 💖 like and comment for a cookie 🍪
breaking my heart to have to leave this community❤️
your style is so cute! I love it 🥰
hey dora!! hru??
this is so beautiful oh my gosh!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
@caption: hope you’re very better!! 😚🫶
hey! I’m all good don’t worry! just been living life ! it’s comp season for me so I’ve been busy and the rest of my time has been going towards catching up and sleeping. xD wbu? :)
aaaa thank you so much!! you’re so so nice your comments always make my day whenever I see them !! 💗
or course! and I’ve been good! life has been a lot these last few months, but this week it really felt like a break and getting to relax without being so stressed but I just have been shopping, hanging out with my family, and watching movies, but im starting back up with school again to get finished before summer starts! what about you? how have you been and what have you been doing? ❤️
Yeah I get it haha! I’m doing good rnnn I have a 4 day weekend for Easter so that’s exciting lol. do you have any Easter plans??
if you celebrate ^^
I I went to a coffee shop with a friend and I think I have a crush on them😭😭
and i’ve missed you so much too!!
i’m glad your vacation was fun!!
ahh that sounds so fun!! seeing cousins is the best! im pretty good tho!
omg don’t even worry abt it i hope ur vacation was fun!
ahh well i hope everything calms down for u
ahh THANK U UR THE SWEETEST- i’m ok!! hbu?🩷
thanks! I love thé text too! I am great, my break from school ends on Monday tho. How about you ?
Thank you!! Yeah I recently read it for the first time and it was amazing!!
im doing gr8 thank you!
how was your trip?
not too much! I think I might have a crush though
im..so sorry about the collaboration 🤦 I got so busy n disappeared for about three kajillion years..im sorry 😂
happy Easter to you too!
also this is gorg!
I love simply southern lol
thank you! Its actually a repost from last year lol. anyway, howve you been lately?! its been hectic over here. our pastor has cancer and doesn't have much time left, unfortunately. he is a good man. I've also been dealing with some pretty effed up family things lately so that's great 🙄. and on top of all that school is tomorrow (sadly). annnddd we can't forget about the boy drama 🤗🤗. hehe hehehe boy do I have a few stories for you....
and girl how'd you faint? you ok ?
thank you!
I’m doing quite alright! super super busy but I’ve become really close with some new people recently which has been a blast! I’m catching up on a lot of school work though lol. hbu? :)
I’d love to Collab. I’m not to busy, let me know what you’d like to do.
hru doraaa?!???
hi Dora, I’m immy <3
I’d love to be friends ✨🌸💖
so cool!!