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do you want to talk
plz tell me what's wrong! I don't wanna see you dead or have you end up dead! plz i care
it's just
my family
my deepest sympathy for my dead cat
my dog is dying right now
I have had 3 hatepages
I'm sorry, I really am *hug?*
you have 3 hate pages!!! why?
I know you are just faking
you just don't want to see blood on the floor you don't care about who it is
I'm a a dam* loser
I nothing
WHAT!!! I care so much! I care and I'm not faking it! I am never faking it!
leave me alone! FAKE ITS ALL FaKE
I really do care! 😭😭😭 I care
ok I believe you *hugs and tears dripping*
*hugs you back* why didn't you believe me in the first place?