


40 3
wow this update is weird
okay great
who are your characters?
so you are Clarrise, and PurpleWombatz?
this is after the war, so
okay great
is it okay to start?
camp halfblood?
awesome anyway, wanna start?
*Walking around camp*
*walks up o chris* hey what's up?
What's wrong with Clarrise?
uh okay?
nico hI
*before we leave* oh um hi Clarrise
Clarrise what's wrong?
(it's fine)
Clarruse why do you look like you are going to murder someone?
oh um want to explain?
*Laughs* that's it,? what was the prank?
Oh that's not too bad. I mean if they put spiders in the cabin- *shudders*
(I'll be Percy too) Percy: *Walks up* hey Annabeth
Annabeth: Hi Seaweed Brain
Percy: revenge you say?
Annabeth: PERCY NO.
Percy: Nico you are my friend support meee
Annabeth: Clarrise say no to Percy. his idea will be too extreme
Annabeth: yes. of course. Chris is agree
Percy: What about a little oh idk, desparkling drew
Annabeth *facepalm* He said it
I mean, burn drew makeup and clothes at the bonfire. Those are what's important to her
(percy just said that)
Annabeth: thanks nico
Annabeth: there's just no stoppingg him
percy: you work on the spray pain I'll do the bonfire. good?
Annabeth: yeah
Percy: no we are doing this
Percy: archery, cause we are doing the bonfire tonight
and then the spray pain while they sleep
Annabeth: yeah how bout never?
Percy: yeah okay
Percy: we will sneak into their cabin then
Annabeth: we can sabotage them?
Percy: runs after her*
Annabeth: make sure there's no fire tonight. empty the spray can
Travis and Connor?
Annabeth: okay go. I'll put out the fire
(sure. just join in)
Annabeth: okay go
I'll meet you guys back here in 20
*goes to CHIRON and tells him the plan and that there can't be a bonfire*
Annabeth: *goes back to our meeting place*
Annabeth sits and waits
*Sits there*
(hey guys I gtg I'll join in later just go without me for a while)
Annabeth: *walks in* Clarrise... she sounded like she was lying because she is going o lead you on a
hunt to find her other paint cans while she oves onto plan b.
the other paint cans don't exist,
and she wanted this so she can do plan b am I right Clarrise?
I am. a daughter of freakin Athena Clarrise. I've known you for a long time and you know you can't
fool me
oh Nico I know. Percy has pulled this on me several times. *Laughs* it never works.
(can I just respond as Clarrise so we can continue you and I?)
Clarrise: Gods I can't get anything past her.
Clarrise: why won't you guys let me do this? aren't you my friend?
Clarrise: you don't know what my plan b even Is.
clarrise: I still have plan b you guys don't know what it is. I'm going to do this with or without your help
Annabeth: yeah that's not gonna happen
Clarrise: yeah okay. stay around for tomorrow's suprise *winks and walks away*
annabeth *squeezes Nicos hand* yes. but I'm not.
I have no idea.
yup. and I know just the man we need for the job.
oh I can convince him. don't underestimate my power over him. I'm him girlfriend. there's no stopping me
Annabeth: thanks
(If I can join can I be a teenage girl that you found in the woods crying)