Breckinridge, CO


Breckinridge, CO

5 49
such a baby face
I’m jelous!
babyyy we’re going back to nashhhh!
of courseeee we are
only if you want to too though
bcccc I’ve always wanted to go skiing but my family doesn’t travel much
which one do you prefer I heard snow boarding is harder
I’m terrible at roller scaring so I will probably stink at both
ok good what about ice skating
bcccc I’m not good at that either
that’s such good news there’s hope
hehe i love you 💞💞
maybe talking to you otw to nashville and all night on new years is our new tradition
lol they made me laugh 😂
it’s all good !
I’m about to go work out! wbu??
hi im madi
wow you are living the life rn 😂
likewisee, how are you doing?
im wellll. what are you up to?
oh no!! warm up!!
hi my love💞 i missed your sweet self even more
i hope you have the best day with the little cuties tomorrow, and that you have the sweetest dreams. muah i love you
last night I fell asleep while watching tv
I never do that
oo that sounds nice 😗 i just woke up
haha I need to do it more. when does your trip end
youuu are the only cutie🥺
how’s your day with the twins going baby
sounds like me ahahaha, how cold is it rn?
omg wow, it’s 65 and rainy here
just a reminder
i love you
i love you morrrre
see wow so you get to spend New Years there
ohh if you could travel anywhere where would you go
I’ve always wanted to go to Greece 😍
facts!!! I would love to go to Australia their accents are the best
truee it’s so different over there
hahaha what part of Texas are you from
oh cool my dad use to live in Dallas
hehehe i’m so glad you enjoyed the s’mores my love, and i wish so badly i could’ve seen the twins🥺 i bet they got everything they know from you
then they definitelyyy learned from the best
i cannot wait to meet them either, and i can’t wait to be besties with AK💞
happy new year
muah muah muah
do you have a pfp because it’s not showing up for me 🥺
it was yea haha any New Years resolutions?
that is weird :( it’s still not showing up, like i can see other people’s but not yours
thanks and hmmm just to do what’s right even when it’s tough
hey you ok?
it’s all good just making sure! I’ve been good though hbu
happy sunday my love, i hope you rest up and have a good day💛
sameee when do you go back
as man :(
* Aw
do you have classes tomorrow too??
next week
yikes have funnn
yikes 😬
that bad huh?
when is school ever haha
rightttt it’s going by fast though
my first day off from life is tomorrow
which sucks since I haven’t gotten to chill and it’s already almost time to go back
hey! if you have snap or insta id love to add you I’m thinking about leaving pc
I’m not leaving just yet but I’ll definitely be on here less
kind of like you where have you been
same same
i love you more than life😽💛
hi baby, i’m sorry i missed valentine’s day :( i love you and again i’m so sorry
long time no talk
I’m good wbu ??
yes 😫
i can’t believe i let this happen
my heart hurts so bad
i’m so sorry
i would do anything to have you on right now
i know that may never happen but i can’t delete this.... just in case you do come back
i can’t respond to your remix either :( it just hurts a little too much to click on and it makes things too real
but please know, that i have and still do love you with every single piece of me. you’ve been my person this entire time
when you were with my your exes and i was with mine, it was always you.
i love you :( i should’ve been better at coming on so you would know
it isn’t, but i’m so glad we’re both here