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Inspired by xXpastel_unicornxX and -words_of_wisdom-
I read Paper Towns in one day last year, and I saw this picture of "Margot" and was so inspired to make it black and white! Idk why, but I think it looks pretty good. Lol 😘


πŸ”Click Here!πŸ”Ž Inspired by xXpastel_unicornxX and -words_of_wisdom- I read Paper Towns in one day last year, and I saw this picture of "Margot" and was so inspired to make it black and white! Idk why, but I think it looks pretty good. Lol 😘

60 0
I love this book and quote so much! Beautiful collage!!
assez anglais
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm holding a games on my account! You can sign up to be on a team and compete by making edits and collages! Everyone who enters will eventually win something, and it will be a great opportunity where you will gain followers and meet other people from PC! Hope you enterβ˜„πŸ˜˜
Also, -words_of_wisdom- wants to be on your team so I hope you enter!
TYSM for joining!
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cara πŸ’œ