Please report this user, my first hater.😢


Please report this user, my first hater.😢

7 0
what piccolage
On my Rate Meh collage
why do you and Owen hate each other
He follows me around at school and it scares me. Sometimes he sits at the empty seat next to me at lunch, and then he taps my shoulder and when I turn, he leaves
yeah it's called joking around
you always give him dirty looks so he does it because he wants a reaction
just don't react the way he wants to and he will stop
but why should anyone listen to me it's not like my methods ever work
I don't want to say anything mean, so the least I could do is give dirty looks
hey both you shut up ok? Anna idk why your mad at Owen or why you keep giving him dirty looks. Me personally I don't think he should start bullying. Anna really didn't do anything wrong
all she has been doing is giving dirty looks.
Ruby? Your back!
that's not as bad as actually getting bullied by someone. Owen needs to stop and Anna needs to stop giving him dirty looks then maybe he will stop
Giving him dirty looks is the least I can do, because I'm not a bully so I don't say anything.
Okay, here's my view. Maybe Owen was just kidding around, I don't know. But you shouldn't give him dirty looks because if he is bullying, that's encouraging it. I'm not accusing anybody of bullying so please don't flame me.
He follows me around
just avoid him. ignor,at all costs.
I do, but he still follows me at school and it's so annoying!