I like this :))) Also am I the only one that's done this whole PicCollage thing for a long while and somehow none of my friends know? It's so weird that I have this account I've been running for 3 years and my closest friends have no idea.


I like this :))) Also am I the only one that's done this whole PicCollage thing for a long while and somehow none of my friends know? It's so weird that I have this account I've been running for 3 years and my closest friends have no idea.

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@caption same omg none of my irl friends know (and it's weird bc a lot of them have the app but don't have an account)
btw this is lovely!
gah, this is so prettyβ˜ΊπŸ’•
I don't think I stress enough of how much I adore your collages. 😌🌿
I have a couple friends who know. Only one really knows what this app is though. A couple of them who know that I have PicCollage, have no idea what PicCollage actually is. I just feel like it's not something you bring up. Its weird because there's so many people who make edits yet nobody really knows what that means who doesn't have PicCollage. πŸ˜‚ Also, I love this edit! 🌷🌿
@caption~I think no ones knows I have been here for 6 years since I had two old accounts where I did those popular edits back then.✨btw this is art.🌈
I think it's best that none of my friends in real life look at this that often. My friends used to have PC accounts around when I started (they were the ones who showed me) but they basically all left. 😬 My friend remembered of it and asked me cause this is really the only social media my mom lets me have (but i don't really want a snapchat anyways). Well, back to my story, she and this other friend looked at my account during class, it was quite embarrassing but very funny.
sorry that was like so random oml anyway, LOVE THIS EDIT
I thought that said silly grace and I started laughing so hard
and thanks for the birthday wishesπŸ₯–
* πŸ’«
πŸ₯–πŸ₯–πŸ₯–πŸ₯–πŸ₯– I'm done
lol I have a few friends irl on here but they don't post a lot so xD
ahaha I've been on here about 3 and a half years and only a couple of my friends know about it, but none of them are on itπŸ˜‚πŸ™ŒπŸ»
ME nobody knows
yeah i havent been on here for too long, itll be a year in may but lol NO ONE KNOWS
This is the loveliest thing I've seen today!❀️️ And I can relate. 4 years, a college education, and no one even knows of PC's existence. It's rather interesting how many people here have the same experience.
ugh ... so ... much ... perfection ... in ... one ... edit ... ugh ...
How do you do it! The Collages AMAZING
i like this too