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Legit I got a weird name!! But it's original and so was my dad, so... Plus. I think I'm unique so my name fits me fine. And anyone who's gonna judge me about it is just to weak to see 
(Check comments for the rest)


!!!!!!!!!!!!!CLICK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Legit I got a weird name!! But it's original and so was my dad, so... Plus. I think I'm unique so my name fits me fine. And anyone who's gonna judge me about it is just to weak to see (Check comments for the rest)

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that it really makes me tuff to have a cool name. But even if my name is weird, I got awesome friends and two perfectly cool brothers, one is even named ponyboy(his real name too). So it's all good. But of course nothing can be too good, not even having my name. Because I'm a greaser and greasers always have it tough. but it's okay. I can handle it because I'm Sodapop Curtis and I don't give up.