Any body wanna know my name ?


Any body wanna know my name ?

14 1
guess what it is
yeah sure, I'm charlotte what's your name ?
my name is Steven
my name is Winnie.
hi Winnie
my name is Savannah.
hi Savannah
knows what again
my name is Steven
yeah I know she knows
Jaycee told you anything about me?
no but I talk about u
yeah ik 😉
did u break up with her today
o cheating on jc
dude if you are don't be a d about it and just tell her cause that's just f up
what do you mean
I'm not cheat omg on her what???????....
if you're dating and she asked you if you break up with somebody else that means you were cheating on. Her u d
no but I told her already and she knows
that's f up
I need Jaycee to deal with you man
u sound like a hippie man
imma ignore you
"imma ignore you"quoted the hippie
guys stop really
don't fight
it's not me ask him
I'll stop
k because he is my friend and I don't want you guys to fight
he cheated on you 🙄
she know she asked me before I dated that girl
you are a d
Austin plz stop
😶 not saying anything
you just did 😂
hey Austin let's call this fair okay?
no offense Jaycee but it sounds like Austin still cares about you
it does