#Bunny_Meow13 #Becky G


#Bunny_Meow13 #Becky G

15 0
thanks for following me your awesome πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
ur welcome
hey Bae
I bet ur hot in real life
is ur real name jake
who the heΕ‚l is this guy???πŸ€”πŸ€”OHHH I know!!! he ur boyfriend ok then I won't tell anyone!🀐 if he isn't sorry I'm just assuming!
only on minecraft
ok so like not boyfriend and girlfriend more like guy friend and friend girl
Bea my real name is Jake but I thought we were boyfriend and girlfriend in real life if we r not I never won't to talk to u AGAIN!!!!😑😑😑
but we don't know each other in person
it's not like that
I agree u don't know each other just be friends