Wanna co-own? Sign up😘


Wanna co-own? Sign up😘

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I will soon
Kk just do it soon cause I'm picking the co-owners tomorrow
i'm sorryy but I can't! I'm very busy with my main and xxTUTORIALSandTIPSxx! but thx💕
It doesn't let me remix😳😁😭 but I'll write it on here😂 username: tropicalxqandy💫 co-owned before? yes. bubblemoon, diamond_xx, trxpicalpastxl and 3 joint accounts (-pastelsweets-, tvmblrstvff and thepastelsweetsgames)☺️ why i'd like to co-own: I think it will be fun😋 can you trust me: yeah totally! Will I follow the rules? yes! and I love beth too😍☺️
😂😂sorry you can't remix them
It's okay😘 @lovely_darkness
sorry, I can't. I already co-own so many accounts and I haven't posted on those in ages...
It's okay😘
Hey I think this is a mistake I'm not the real Bethany Mota, I'm just a big fan
im not so sure i would be an okay co-owner i am so flattered by your offer it is very nice of you but i have tried co-owning an acount and it didn't turn out good😁 if you want we could collab i really want to💕
that's okay and I'd love to collab😊you can kik me @_Beth_Motaa
i don't have kik😞
okay😌do you have any app or something we can talk to each other?