Haha I'm single now✌🏽️but not looking just need some friends❤️did eyeshadow myself😊👌🏽SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER KASMHWJOUD


Haha I'm single now✌🏽️but not looking just need some friends❤️did eyeshadow myself😊👌🏽SCHOOL IS ALMOST OVER KASMHWJOUD

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lol it's alright👌🏽❤️
aw thx😊
your beautiful 💕🔥
thank u😊😘❤️
your welcome .. how are YOUUU ?✨🎀
I'm alright wbu
wow your really pretty ❤️
why thank u😊❤️✨
😂 hey I think all these boys that keep following us are the same people. "Wesley", "Aj" and the other dude before them I don't even remember 😂😂I'm almost 100% positive it's same fake peep
Wesley is ik that and Idrk about aj if need more pics:/🙃😂I'm Kaila btw
😂 they all kinda talk the same but idk maybe it's just me 😂 & im Madison 💤🙃 I like your name !! it's unique !
thx ig😂it's just like Kayla just spelled differently 🙄and idk I didn't bother talking to Wesley Bc I knew for a fact we was fake
😂I shouldn't bother either 😂
ahaha👏🏽so what's up😂
laying in bed with my best frand Adam 🙊😂Wbu
ooooooo🙄😉it's like 11 at night where I am, laying in bed drawing/ watching tv
ahh sounds like fun ! and yeah it's 10:41 here !!
geeze and a school night how r u w/ a friend😂 and idk I might stop soon
he's basically my brother 😂 legit me and him and him and out other best friend that he lived with we all are inseparable 😂 & yes he lives with his best friend
ahaha wow I remember having a somewhat close guy friend similar to a brother but šhįt happened and we barely talk anymore..... and he's my neighbor🙄
your so pretty :)
tysm:) u are very pretty ur self💕
your welcome :)) and thanks <3
aw tysm😌❤️✨
u are too btw😭😂👏🏽
I thought I did I'm sorry😭😞
ME TOOOOOO😂oh whale u must talk to me it's a must do
like a study hall rn :) wbu😂
I have that next:/ what class period r u in? I'm in second😂
kaaaaaaaaai I need to post something but idk what
TF U ONLY HAVE 5 PERIODS IN THE DAY? 😂😂😂that's weird I have 8
idky but all my edits have selfies:| it's sad
idk I've always had it that since 7th
aw thx💕
Carlson wbu🌚😂
hehe cute, jones💕
love uuuuuuu✨
im still thinking of what to make😂😅I told u I'm not good at this🙈
love you mooooooooooooooooore
this'll be a few more minutes ig🙄
it's ready ig 😂
it's nothing big but:/
nooooooooo Matthew Hun I love u more
^i thought you did actually love me?
stop w/ that shīt, did I leave u? no I waited u left me and Allie think u were gone forever. I did love u more.
Allie didn't she had my TC I texted her, stop thinking that friends that we share will betray me
ya ik u txted her she showed me that txt of u saying u were leaving TC too and to tell Jackie u love her.
u never even said in it that you'll miss me too. only Jackie
I do love Jackie. she hasn't let go of me like you have she hasn't hurt me
I was hurt by you two which some reason of me leaving the second time
why are u making it seem like when ur hurt its a huge problem and totally ignoring the fact that u left me first I was hurt first. I'm just trying to make u feel the pain I went through
yea cause I'm the only one do that, you act like I did the worst thing ever
you give no thankful shît abt how I came back for you
Bc I didn't know u came back for me. saying how much you'll miss Jackie and shįz making it seemed like u dropped me from ur mind the minute u left.
wow you think that?
ya Matthew I really did
did or do?
well did Bc Ik the truth now
idk🙊and thank u anyway love💕☺️
ya actually 🙄🙈
no, I take all my pictures 🙄if someone else takes a picture of my I look like a little grimlin child
ewwwwwwy noooooo
well grimlin child love u💕
I love u very very much grimlin loving child💖
u always make me so fūcking speechless
I love u so much, Kai ik what u said about only having one way to communicate but hęll Kai I want to be urs, I want to go out w/ u. u make me so happy. I ugh i just love u
so are we?❤️
ugh that makes me so fūcking happy😌💖
like happier than I was 2min ago
you're my dil dô