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Ash: *drops from the sky in her usual fashion* A FELLOW GLITCH
Astrid:A what? *Tilts head slightly* (she's kinda a glitch, but also not)
(I liked the name Astrid)
Your admin profile is all glitched up.
re/ what
i know
pfft XD
what did i just make out of an alan walker song
(thats like...code)
Tyler: *Is running and crashes into Asrtid and starts to fall backwards*
(that was ASH nawt meh)Astrid:*
Astrid:*Catches him* You okay...?
Tyler: *stands up strait and looks at Astrid* Wow.... your really pre- I MEAN THANK YOU! Mythic: BAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Tyler: Mythic shut up... *Turns red of embarassment*
Astrid:N-No problem... I'm Astrid, by the way...
Tyler: I-Im Tyler!
Astrid:*Smiles* Nice to meet you.
Tyler: Yeah! Nice to meet you too I guess!
Astrid:*Notices the time* CRUD IM GONNA BE LATE! *Looks at Tyler* Sorry about this, but I have to go. See ya later?...
Tyler: Uh ya sure! *Smilees at her*
Astrid:K! Here's my phone number. *Takes his hand and writes her phone number on it, then runs off*
Tyler: O-Ok... *Is blushing abit*
Astrid:*Running through the forest(has plan... moihoi)* He was really nice...
Tyler: She was nice.... *Begins to walk down the sidewalk*
Astrid:(Astrid's being hunted down by evil people because she is a glitch boi)*Hears footsteps behind her* I know you're there, stop trying to hide.
Evil boi: *Walks out from behind a tree* Glitches dont belong here. as an eraser I need to take you out.
(ok then. i was gonna be evil boi but tis is good. ALSO MAXIMUM RIDE REFERENCES)Astrid:I'm not a glitch... just because I'm different doesn't mean I need to die.
Evil boi: You have a bit of a point but we've had glitches before. They start out perfectly fine but then they start to ruin the system! like you are just now! *Some trees start to look like they are glitching out around Astrid* See what I Mean
Astrid:Shut up... that could be anything... even if I was going to ruin the system, I probably would've by now. Plus you've got no way to catch me. I can easily outrun or outfly you.
Evil Boi: You sure about that? *A NET(flix) Drops down onto Astrid from the sky*
(NOW LOOK AT THIS NET THAT I JUST FOUND)Astrid:*Profamity*...*Unfurls wings and tries to fly off, but her wings get tangled in the net* If I can just...*Tries to use a spell, but it doesn't work* Of course my power shorts out when I need it most...
Tyler: (THE HERO HAS COME TO SAVE THE DAY ONCE AGAIN) *Shoots the evil boi with a dart and le evil boi goes uncontious* *Takes out pocket knife and runs over to you*
Astrid:(ship)*Starts trying to get away, not realizing it's Tyler* Ain't nobody gonna freaking kill me!
Tyler: Im not gonna kill you will you please calm down?!? *Starts to cut le NET*
Astrid:*Stops freaking out* Wait... Tyler?...
Tyler: I practice shooting my dart gun at the trees the I saw you in the net and that guy was comeing twards you and im just like "naahh they aint getting her before I d-" *Turns red of embarassment* Mythic: I JUST CANT EVEN AHAHAHAHA!!! Tyler: I-I-I-Uh....
(Tyler is very open minded XD)
Astrid:*Blushes slightly* T-Thanks...
Tyler: Y-Yeah... *Is really red*
Astrid:*Is now entirely free* Next time I'll have to be more careful...
Tyler: Yep
Astrid:*Hugs him* Thank you... I might've been dead by now if it weren't for you...
Tyler: Y-Your welcome! *Turns even more red*
Astrid:*blooshes slightly*
Tyler: Hey can I tell you a seceret?
Tyler: I think your really pretty... *Kisses her then dissapears*
Astrid:*Blushes bright red, and eyes widen*
Tyler: *Appears in his room and is really red* I-I acctually kissed her!
Astrid:He actually kissed me... *Blushing*
Tyler: *Hides red face in hands* I ACCTUALLY kissed her....
Astrid:*Teleports back to my house* So... this means he likes me?... I like him, but... I don't know anymore...
Tyler: Ugh I really really like her!
Astrid:I'll... *Takes out le piece o paper, draws a picture, writes in the corner, puts it in envelope, then teleports it to his mailbox* there...
Astrid:*Flops on the couch* Hopefully he gets it...
Tyler: *Goes out to get mail amd sees letter and opens leter and reads it*
Astrid:*There's a drawing of a snazzy anime guy that looks liek Tyler, and in the corner it says "I like you too"*
Tyler: *Blushes bc he knows who its frum*
Astrid:*eats cereal*
Tyler: *Eats foud* (Mmmmmm)
Astrid:*finishes foud*
Tyler: *Also finishes foud*
Astrid:*Stands up, then falls backward and is asleep*
Tyler: *Texts Astrid*~ Hey its me Tyler! Hows it goin?
Astrid:~Pretty good, how boh ya?
Tyler:~ Ive been less embarassed at myself.... heh sorry about earlier.... I just did that out of nowhere...
Astrid:~It's fine... Did you get the note I sent you...?
Tyler: Yeah I did. It was really good! *Sends astrid a pic of him self holding the note*
Astrid:Thank you! *Smiles*
Tyler: Your welcome!
Astrid:So... wassup?
Tyler: Nothin. I was just wondering if you wanna hangout today?
Tyler: Okie. My place or yours? but if its yours then I Might need your address....
(sorry)Astrid:Mine, I guess. Here's my address. 25610 Maple Lane(random address)
Tyler: Hmm... Thats about an hour and a half away from where I live... hmm... Can you teleport?
(Make 1 new boy OC and 1 new girl OC bc I just did and I need to ship someone again!)
(I deleted like... seven OCs, and Jasper needs to be shipped)Astrid:*Appears by him* Sure can.
(i gotta make another boi)
Tyler: *Falls out of his chair in suprise* WAH!! GEEZ!!
Astrid:*Reaches out a hand to help him* You okay?
Tyler: *Reaches out to grab Astrid's hand but misses and fall ps to the ground anyways* Ow!
Tyler: *Laughs at himself* Its fine. That was kinda funny tho *Smiles at her*
('Dat hawt emo swag doe' XD)
Astrid:A little. *Smiles back*
(Make a new boy OC bc Mimi needs to be shipped with someone...)
(I will. just tryin to think of a name. I'm gonna make it a Japanese-style name)
(Ye 👍🏻)
(I'm also making a OC called Rowan, she's gonna be a girl)
Tyler: So wanna watch a movie or something? *Stands up*
Tyler: Ok! *Smiles then goes to his living room* So what movie do you wana watch?
Astrid:*Follows* Um... I don't know... Do you like... Harry Potter?
Tyler: Oh do I?!? * Smiles then Points to a shelf with abunch of harry potter wands and a hufflepuff banner by it*
Astrid:Wow... *Eyes widen* That's a lot...
Tyler: im also a weeb... heh
Tyler: *Starts the movie and sits on the couch*
Astrid:**watcha da movie*
<Afew Harry Poter movies later and is now dark outside>
Astrid:*Has fallen asleep on his shoulder awh ship*
Tyler: *Has also fell asleep AW SHIP*
<skippery tiem skip>
*Morning* Tyler: *Still asleep*
*Opens eyes, and yawns*
Tyler: *Still asleep*
*She looks around* Where...? *Remembers*
Tyler: *Still asleep*
Astrid:*Looks over at him, and decides not to wake him, but writes something on a sticky note, and puts it on his forehead, then disappears*
Tyler: *Wakes up afew minites latr and takes the sticky note and reads it*
Astrid:*The sticky note says "Sorry, didn't want to wake you. -Astrid"*
Tyler: *Turns really red remembering last night and realizes he fell asleep with Astrid*
Astrid:*Sits quietly at her desk, eating a poptart*
Tyler: *Is eating pancakes*
Astrid:*Yawns, and stands up, then walks out the door and heads to the PARK*
Tyler: *Heads to the STORE to get some food*
Astrid:*Falls asleep on a park BENCH*
*Buys some FOOD*
Astrid:*Wakes up about two hrs later, and then unfurls wings, flying around a bit*
Tyler: *Goes home and flops on his couch and plays MINECRAFT* ("Y'all like minecraft?")
(XD)Astrid:*Yawns, and lands on a roof*
Tyler: *Yawns and plays video games*
Astrid:*Falls asleep on le roof*
Tyler: *Falls asleep playing video games*