Collage by Angelic_Walrus


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I luv this
Come choose your prizes!!! You won first in my contest. Thanks so much for playing!
You're sooooo welcome!!! You soooo deserve it
And shoutout in bio or shoutout collage??
Will do
yep June 9th is Donald Duck's birthday!! *dramatic hair flip
Can you comment on my newest collage and say something along the lines of i am angelic--walrus??? Thanks it would help a lot because i put in the description to click on the comment
You're very welcome
So this collab... what do you want to do?
Also, choose the captions!!!
im confused about your bio/link
ooooooh its the same as mine i just put it in a different way
where did u find the text box?(it says "never underestimate the power of a fangirl)