Check Comments👇🏻😘


Check Comments👇🏻😘

145 4
💿So... I just wanted to make this collage ik it maybe late but it's better than nothing. I'm sorry for all of those who lost a loved one😔 my birthday was pretty close to 9/11 (my birthday was September 3) and I wish those people missed their flight if they did then their future wouldn't be gone😔😭
I know that was one of the most shocking times in America ever!
every one just stared in shock
@batg1rl yes and it was so sad that those people had the decision to make to kill a lot of loved ones😓😘
yes very sad... the Americans didn't know what hit them at first
This should defiantly be featured
I'm so sorry to everyone who lost a loved one in this accident.And yes this is so sad😪 This should totally be featured!