press here to exit the maze 

hey gladers❤️✨ so just letting u all know, to get to know my followers better and so that they can know me more, for each collage I have a question which I answer and which I ask you all!!!!!! I'm curious to know all your ans


press here to exit the maze hey gladers❤️✨ so just letting u all know, to get to know my followers better and so that they can know me more, for each collage I have a question which I answer and which I ask you all!!!!!! I'm curious to know all your ans

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Hey gladers!!!!! So I was watching The Maze Runner the other night and became inspired to make this❤️ please rate 1-10 and let me know ur thoughts👼🏼 qotc: if you were a Glader, what would your favourite and least favourite job be and why? There are Builders (upgrade and build places), Bricknicks (repairing the buildings), Sloppers (all the dirty work to be done that nobody wants to do), Baggers (the guards and people who deal with the dead), Cooks (prepare the meals), Track-hoes (working in gardens and harvesting crops), Med-jacks (doctors), Slicers (work in the blood house and slaughter animals for food), Runners (only gladers allowed to enter the maze and try to find a way out), Map-makers (those who map the maze based off the runners' discoveries). I would probably like to either be a Runner or Map-Maker because I'm a pretty curious and adventurous person so mapping out a maze and trying to find a way out sounds like fun and a bit of a challenge. I definitely couldn't be a Slicer and slaughter the animals, I don't think I would be able to cope very well knowing that I have ended an animals life and I feel like I would become really attached to the animals and even to nature in the Glade to be able to do that. I'm really curious to see which jobs u guys would do so please leave a comment down below!!!!!! Also let me know if u guys want me to make more movie based collages bc they are really fun to make and I think they turn out well💗 xxx MissAutoCorrect
10000000000/10!💕 Well, I would like to be a map maker, of course! You know,mI would like to make a object using discoveries and learn new things. I will never be able to be Slicer and Baggers, becuase first of all I won't bear to slaughter animals, and I would not like to deal with the dead. 😂😅
I like this edit :) I rate it 1000000000 and I think I'd like to be either a runner or a map-maker
You won 3st place in my contest! -accio_adventure
thanks for the spam :)
are you joking?! your account is SO extraordinarily beautiful..that means so much coming from you thanks😘
and 10