come talk to me, i'll spoil you:))


come talk to me, i'll spoil you:))

45 40
how are ya ?
I'm alright ig. wyd ?
hiya (:
hola Cory I'm Natalie 🌹
yoooo πŸ˜‹
usually i would argue that my eyebrows are sharper than your jawline, but that's not true in this case
hello Cory I'm Ally:)
im lexii
abt to take a bomb asΕ› shower, wbu
hey gorgeous I'm Lizzie ;)
why thank you! *flips my hair* sadly, your jawline is still sharper
oo i love bobs burgers
*laughs softly* probably should've introduced myself. 'm ximena.
nice to meet you, what's up? :)
always will be tina, wbu?
hey I'm Lexee:)
ima dull down the conversation a bit. how are you today?
hey hey I'm Gia :) how are you?πŸ’“
surprisingly wellβ€” thank for asking :-)
ewww, i sound so boring now πŸ˜‚ i'm sorry
nothing much, just making some pancakess
I'm good too😊 just bored haha
me? exciting? cool? nooo
everybody loves him
the most interesting about me is that i speak more than one language... that's about it. i deserve a trophy that says 'the most boring person ever'.
hai cutie;) I'm lexee
do you wanna do something?
but i earned that trophy fair and square 😀
that's very true
nothing much, hbu?:)
if im feeling nice i might make you some
me too:(
sooo i deserve to keep it. how rude of you to take it from me :'(
maybeee I am, maybeeee im not πŸ€”
depends what do you have in mind;)
*pokes your side* don't pouttt
hmm I think i am
nooo! okay, okay, i'll give you the trophy... even if you're not boring
hmm we can do anything, get food, go swimming
just because i'm agreeing to this doesn't mean i think you're boring!
oooh yeah that's a good idea, I'll remix you
what you wrote instead of the website link says otherwise
oh, so you never typed out "treat you like a princess, f*** you like a wh***"?
then it magically appeared there?
mhm sureee. anyways, we should do something because i am very, very bored
well since you like swimming, we should go swimming
yay! remix me? i feel like it would be easier this way