Notice Meh
||Requested by ToukaChan||
Sorry there isn't a lot of blue, if you'd like a remake
I'd gladly see to it. Hope it's decent otherwise.
Danke für alles <3


Notice Meh ||Requested by ToukaChan|| Sorry there isn't a lot of blue, if you'd like a remake I'd gladly see to it. Hope it's decent otherwise. Danke für alles <3

34 0
yep it all good you can enter tomorrow 😂
re// the ramble thing is because those are her thoughts throughout the day :p
also, i know im not a good writer, sorry ^^'
Ooo so pretty as always ^3^
This looks great! thank you!
no problem! ich liebe dich <3
re// aww thank you sweetie! you can read them on wattpad if you want. they aren't that great but I still try.
thanks it means a lot