everyone seems to be doing this. 
and i wanna make this account,

a cOmMuNiTY

also enjoy j e n n i e


everyone seems to be doing this. and i wanna make this account, a cOmMuNiTY 🌞🌝🌞🌝🌞🌝🌞🌝 also enjoy j e n n i e

20 0
favorite book?
favorite show?
winter or spring?
what qualities do you like best in a person?
salad or salad? this question is pretty tough
what’s the first thing you’ll do after covid goes away?
hhhhh... favorite movie?
girl groups or boy bands?
unpopular opinion?
least favorite color combination?
favorite ice cream flavor?
favorite kdrama?
can I give you a virtual hug? πŸ₯ΊπŸ’ž
what’s your favorite season?
do you like reading books or watching movies/ shows more?
favorite non-Kpop artist?
favorite fruit?
what are some foods that you will absolutely NOT eat?
that’s it sorry for the spam aksjaksj ily πŸ’ž
where's the last place you'd ever wanna go?
what decade would you have liked to live in that you didn't?