Same Wallace, me too😂👏


❤️tap❤️ Same Wallace, me too😂👏

48 1
oh!! no its fine! i basically just said we had alot in common with answers! ❤️
oh wait frick i messed it up ahaha i meant my favorite female character was zatanna and leasr favorite i was not sure 😂😂 yikes
I can relate Wallman
I just realised I'm basically female Wally without super speed
I have like super slowspeed
lol I'm not on any sport team and food is my love😹
and dámñ Sasha I remember some time ago you said you don't sport but here you are on the track team😹💗
also your profile pic😻
haha nice, badminton is like the only sport I'm decent at😹
same tho 😂
not really but if i did it'd probably be poison ivy
XD sorry I'm late I'm gonna borrow this {I'm giving you full credit though}