We're bored-all


We're bored-all

14 519
I'm good hbu
no sorry
hey babe-Taylor
um what?-Taylor
please tell me
how*looks at you*
are you ok*looks worried*
oh my god
*looks at you*
it's ok I'm glad your ok
I love you too and our daughters birthday is tomorrow and she said she wants a doll house
ok baby
babe I don't want you to die
*hugs you*
*kisses back*
ok baby
ok baby
of coarse
do you want me to come pick you up
ok lol babe
*walks next to you*
*looks at you*im just glad your still alive
that would have been bad for me and our daughter
ok babe I will later
it's ok babe
-we get home-
*sits next to you*
*hugs you*
*cries a little*
I love you baby
no I do
*kisses back*
*looks worried*
*hugs you*
*kisses back*
for what?
it's ok baby
yes it is baby
*lies next to you*
just stay home I don't want you getting hurt anymore
I love you baby
*kisses back*
yes you can
yes you can
*smiles back*
I don't care
we can lay here and cuddle if you want?
*lays down on your chest*
I don't care
get her the pink 5c
hey Brady I'm back
wanna finish cuddling ?
*sits down next to you * did you miss me ?
on your page?
ok baby
Brady are we going to hang out -Anna
yeah sorry
ok *hugs you and gets close to you * I missed you
*hugs back*i missed you too
let's go outside *opens the door *
ok*goes outside*
*walks close to you * TAG !!!! * runs away laughing *
hey!!*runs after you*
ok*goes outside*
haha *laughs runs * you can't catch me
Brady where did you go ?
sorry I had to take a shower
its ok *yells * you still can't catch me !!!! *runs away *
yes I can*chases you*
*runs laughing * no you can't !!!
*hides and runs behind you and picks you up*
aah !!! *laughs * I-im out of of breath * breathes heavily *
*raps my arms around your neck* this is so much fun !
*kisses you*
* kisses you puts music on * can we dance ?
* smiles and starts to dance * I can't believe we are together
me either *dances*
* dances * but I'm glad we are * puts my head on your shoulder*
*smiles and dances*
*dances *
*spins you*
*smiles * you have some moves Brady *laughs *
thanks*laughs*-gets a text from Bailey my sister it says that Connors mom dies and Connor is trying to kill herself-*drops phone*no no no
hey hey what's wrong Brady
Connor is trying to kill herself
oh no why where is she you should go help ! *looks worried *
I don't know
ok do you wanna stay here oh go try and stop her or what ?
I'll be back
ok text me when you get back