I'm back.... Did I miss anything?


I'm back.... Did I miss anything?

14 0
nope nothing happned
now we can form our evil torture plans
okay. Where's my sexy sweet? (aka Malu. I made nicknames for everyone, what should your be?)
Idk choose a nickname for me..........a good one.........
idk where she is
Idk...she doesn't tell me those things anymore
Evannnnnn think of a nickname
๐Ÿ˜” I think I know what she's doing, but it's not a great idea
*sighs* ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”
what's LIAM doing right now?
She...she could be...ya know ๐Ÿ”ช
^liam is being a buttthole
I know but what is he currently doing?
Um.....Evan......do you know why......Liam likes CHEYENNE better.......
He had a crush on her before you guys started dating.... They got into a fight a week before, actually. It was hilarious! Sierra called them SISTERS!
oh.......wow......I knew Liam had a crush on her before.....Liam chose me because CHEYENNE called someone a slรปt.......I'm trash just trash........he likes CHEYENNE way better......
๐Ÿ˜” I honestly don't know if that's true
then why would he break up with me......if he likes another girl.......
I'm going to start to cry
I'm sorry
*hugs evan* help meeeeeeee
*hugs back* I don't know how
please can you put him on........operation plan omega
No, I can't
whyyyyy I have a plan that's guaranteed to work
No, let him be him....
no, savage, no
He broke up with you, why would you want to talk to him?
no but you guys don't understand
understand what?
that sometimes I need to sort stuff out that sometimes I do things differently
and I did move on I just need to talk to him.......
Eva- What's up my melons.
eva- Ugh no one will answer
eva is triggered
Hes a dรฎck head his twin
I'm mad.......
I'm sad.......
Ill bring it down like rain. make him feel insane. he broke it once he broke it twice, now I won't be nice. He made me hurt he made me cry but now let's see him try. they lightning fever, storming dreamer, fire catcher make him feel pain.......bring it down like rain
ok so I got the chorus done........
I back. STOOP
just can I talk to Liam for a few minutes...... (I feel likes he's the prisoner and your the police and I'm the visitor)
thank good
*flips hair like savage*
And, that's why your nickname is savage
it seems like I'm high
LIAM.......I want answers.............
First.......we did you never tell..... me......you liked.....someone else.....while we were dating......
because I knew you would freak
but why would you like someone else.........
Be-because I knew she liked me...and I liked her, but I was with you
so.........you broke up with me......to get another girl........that you had a crush on before......
No, we don't really ever talk. I broke up with you because of that reason. I was worried we would never talk again
no Liam............I love you.....I don't care If we never talk...........and don't say we will never talk ever again...........we will......please Liam.....
We will...as friends
LIAM.....no......I still love you..........
But, I feel when we do talk, it's awkward
Tf? no it's not! it's not awkward at all! we slay the relationship role.....please....Liam...another....chance.....
I'm sorry
*tears roll down face* That's what they all say *runs outside and sits in middle of road*
Lily I-I-I'm sorry...I just don't think it's working and the spark. It's just gone
*crying and sees a car coming*
*pushes you out of the way and car crashes on me*
LIAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts to cry even harder and goes over to his unconscious bloody body* *calls 911 and rushes you to the hospital*
*quietly speaks* amI in heaven?
*whispers* no.....not yet I presume.....don't worry I'm here *sets him on bed* I love......you......
I-I love you too, Cheyenne. *smiles* (PLOT TWIST)
(๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚) *starts to tear up* I'm not CHEYENNE..............
*passes out again*
*starts to cry and Liam wakes up*
(oml ash)
*starts to cry even more and throws things around the room*
because I can *sits down again* I'm.not.cheyenne.im.lily
ok lily. where's Cheyenne
*mutters curse words* I.have.no.idea.where.she.is.shy.you.want.to.know?
cuz I miss her. I haven't talked to her in 4 days
Aล›ล›hรดle you have not really talked to me in four days........your brain must be a little fuzzy
oh, then it must be 3 days for her
was I not enough? was out three months together meaningless? did all along you like her?
No, just 2 weeks ago
yes, you were enough
then why do you like someone else? it's a simple question? if you loved me then you would have no eyes for any other girl........
I didn't, but...I started talking to her again and she liked my collages. Memories of her and I came back
maybe that's why you never talk to me now......that technically cheating on me.......
No, because I just thought about her and talked to her. I didn't kiss her
the GO kiss her then! the GO make out with her! then GO have sรฉx with her! see if I care!!!! *wipes tears*
I chose you over her, remember?
But now your choosing her over me! I don't get it..........*starts to cry again*
No, I didn't just breaks up with you because of her
ugh! and your not even caring your hurting my feelings......your just try to back up what you say.....you could care less about me......
๐Ÿ˜”...I'm just gonna go...
no don't go............just why are you never on.........
I have been wondering this question for a while.........
I've been busy with Hebrew and homework. I have a month till the bar mitzvah and I'm stressing out
I get it. I totally get it. but why is Evan on all the time and your never on like he is?
He's smart. He finishes homework fast.
Hebrew for him is a breeze
LIAM.....I.....*kisses him the pulls away*
*frowns* I'm sorry, I know this is hard for you and Grace
Grace's first word was......dada.......
I started crying and Evan had to calm me down...........I told her.....I told her....she had no dada......
I'm sorry I've been a horrible person...I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you
it's okay......I was disappointed but not angry.........*takes grace out of crib*
*cries a little* I-I'm sorry Grace
Grace: *babbles a little* Lily: Gracie..........this is ex daddy.....don't worry......we'll find new daddy and he treat us better...........
*frowns* I-I truly am sorry Lily...
*wipes his tears* I'm sorry too........I knew you were trouble.........
Heh, yeah...I wish I never did that
wish you never did what? *frowns a little*
Broken up with you. You didn't deserve it. When you needed me most, I blew you off. That want cool
That was not cool at all *sets Grace down* mommy will come back......So....what do we do now....liam?
idk...but I'm sorry for everything I did
I don't know if I can forgive you just yet.............I need more to forgiveness words change nothing
*kisses him again*
*kisses back*
*pulls away and eyes widened* you....kissed...back.....
I did
because, I'm sorry
*hugs him* I have to go for the night. I promise to talk to you tomorrow.
no legit my mom is glaring at me.....oh shรฎt
Oh god
Aahhhhhhhh got to goooooooobyyyeeeeee baeeeeeeee