Chat page for Mariah and I only


Chat page for Mariah and I only

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I am so dumb
no ur not why
today I stabbed myself with a straw ik so stupid like me. and I am also fat. I can tell u why if u really wanna know. and I was called the devil
hey not inturupting ^^WHAT YOUR NOT FAT
ur not fat ur not stupid and ur not the devil
yea I'm her big sis
my mom said I might as well get u a big bag of cereal cuz u eat a lot of it and she also said I will get u a 2 liter of soda cuz u drink it down
and my lil sis said “it’s like moving a staircase up the staircase
oh. my mom says I’m fat and she told all my friends and embarrassed me
no one calls me fat wow I've never felt that way
and when my lil sis called me those things I went up in my room and cried
ik she made me cry bc of it she even told my grandma and she agreed
so I am gonna go in my room and cry again
I will too if my mom does that maybe I’ll even leave the house and go to one of my other friends that actually care about me and don’t care what I look like
I wish I lived by u so we could go to each other’s houses
I’m so dumb
no ur not
yes I am
no ur not and right now I’m listening to depressing music and I have a lot of anxiety so I’m gonna start crying
I’m sorry I’m such a terrible friend
it’s not u it’s me
no it’s me
it’s me my depression is killing me right now so I’m just crying
no don’t say that and I let all my friends down
I let down Rosina
what u up to
I just ate
and rocking and might puke
but like my family or anyone cares
after crying I’m rly tired so I’m gonna go to bed if Gavin tries talking to me tell him I went to bed and that I love him, but I also love you
ok btw I just chocked on a curly fries