Chat page for @Naomi_Bradley💞


Chat page for @Naomi_Bradley💞

28 0
me I'm tho oldest out of 6
you are a great friend
I am 9 years old
how old are you
you are 14
yess!! a lot of people say I'm 11!!
yeah, I'm 11 going in 12
I thought you were 10
do you have any pets
ohh!!😊😊 just letting u know I won't be on Saturday from like 1:30 til like the next day like around 2pm eastern:((
I have a dog!! you??
what time are you going to bed 😴
probably 11:15 or 11:30pm eastern
I'm gonna log off for a bit be back by 11pm eastern
what kind of dog do you have?
yes I have a dog
assignments are up you have a solo!
I am leaving pic😭
Fandom_Dancer is bullying me